
There's a right way to load the dishwasher (and you probably aren't) - CNET

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Who of us hasn't talked to our partner, family member or roommate about how to load the dishwasher properly? While it may seem easier to put everything back in place, this is a recipe for crusty, dirty plates, forks, and spoons. The way you load your dishwasher really does have a big impact on the quality of your dishes, and in fact there is a right way.

Follow these tips to ensure you have much cleaner dishes the next time you use your dishwasher, and resolve any disputes over which method is best. ( See how to clean a stand mixer, how to clean a blender, and how to clean a cast iron skillet for more cleaning tips . )

1. Don't wash your dishes.

Leave most clothes in the dishwasher. Just scrape large objects off the plates first and then load them. Don't worry about rinsing, as it can fool the dishwasher's sensors. Learn more about why you should skip the conditioner here .

2. The dishes go on the lower basket

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Load dishes in the lower basket, but make sure there is space in between. Touching can block jets of water and also cause chipping in the surface of a cooktop.

3. Bowls go on the top shelf

Place bowls on the top rack. Make sure the bowls are tilted down so they don't collect water.

3. Turn your glasses inside out

The same goes for the cups. If possible, place them on the top rack between your teeth. They should be upside down so they don't fill with water, but tilted slightly so water doesn't collect in the indentations in the bottom of the mug.

Dishwasher safe bowls and glasses

Bowls and glasses are dishwasher safe in the top rack.

Rustycanuck/fake pics

4. Spoons and forks go into the utensil cup.

Sounds obvious I know, but some people don't realize there is a special cutlery cup. If you are one of those people, stop. Throwing a handful of utensils onto the top basket won't get them as clean as putting them in the designated cup. Also, putting them in the cup prevents them from falling over and blocking the spray arms.

5. Make sure your stainless steel cutlery and utensils do not touch.

Always place cutlery, except knives, with the handles down in the glasses provided. However, don't let real silver cutlery and stainless steel utensils be touched. During washing, a chemical reaction can cause pitting on the metal.

7. Put the tips of the knives down and the handles up.

Place knives with the tips in the cutlery tray and the handles up in the cutlery tray.

8. Don't drop spoons and spatulas

It is best to place large serving spoons and spatulas on the upper basket so that they do not fall over and block the spray arms of the dishwasher. A helpful trick is to thread a prong through the hole in the handle to hold the item in place while washing.

A spatula in the dishwasher with a prong through a hole in the handle

Running a jagged tooth through a spatula or other large utensil can hold it in place while washing.

Alina Bradford/CNET

9. Wash large pots separately

Small pots can be placed on the bottom rack, but make larger pots in a separate load. Larger pots can block the water jets and soil the dishes on them. Also make sure all pots are tilted downwards so they get the most out of the nozzles.

10. Put plastic containers on top rack, away from heat.

Place plastic storage containers on the top rack to keep them from warping on the heating element.

11. Place large pots and dishes away from the dishwasher door.

Be careful not to place large pots or pans near the door. This can prevent the detergent from spilling.

12. Don't forget to do a quick pre-wash test.

Before you start loading, do a quick check of the ground under the spray arms. Make sure that no food, spoons or other objects could clog the filter or spray arms. Debris in it can clog work and prevent your dishwasher from working properly.

Now you can load your dishwasher properly and get clean dishes every time.

For more info, check out this hack for removing grease from hard-to-reach spots and how to set up houseplants to keep them from dying .

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