
Cook spinach properly! Tips to keep the diet intact - Slurrp

Spinach leaves are a favorite of many. This versatile leafy green can be incorporated into a variety of dishes. Packed with nutrients, many nutritionists and dieticians recommend spinach as a superfood. However, it's not about adding spinach to your diet to get the most benefits. Proper cooking methods must be followed

With the arrival of winter, the market is enriched with fresh green leafy vegetables. Although it's available all year round, the cold season brings the best. However, this nutritional camp requires following a few simple cooking tips to get the most of its benefits. The secret to getting the maximum health benefits from these leafy greens lies in knowing their cooking methods. The cell walls of spinach leaves are broken down during cooking, increasing the bioavailability of its nutrients. One of these is iron, a necessary mineral that supports our immune system and facilitates the flow of oxygen between cells. About 0.8 milligrams of iron are in 1 cup of raw spinach, while 3.2 milligrams are in 1/2 cup of cooked spinach.

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Collection and cleaning rules.

Fill a colander with fresh spinach leaves. Check the leaves and remove any that are sticky or wilted. Rinse the remaining spinach well in cold water. As you rinse, shake the strainer to stir the leaves and make sure all the dirt is washed out.

Spinach in a colander, Image source: Pexels

measure before cooking

Be careful how much spinach you want to eat. It is advisable to weigh it before cooking. Cook fresh spinach leaves to about 1/3 cup of a 1-cup serving. So if you want to eat one cup of cooked vegetables, multiply the serving size by three.

Cook with water and oil

To cook spinach with oil, drizzle a little olive oil or your choice of oil into a hot pan. Oil has the best adhesion resistance, but it also adds calories and fat. So does water. To fry the prescribed amount of spinach leaves, add them to the pan with the oil. Alternatively, blanch in water. While cooking, stir the leaves and transfer to a plate. When the spinach leaves turn a darker green and start to wilt, they're done. Overcooking makes it slimy.

Grilled Spinach, Image Source: Freepik

broth benefits

You can incorporate spinach leaves into soups and stews towards the end of cooking instead of sautéing them in oil or boiling them in water. Any nutrients that escape from the leaves are absorbed by the broth they are cooked with.

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