
How to reset your cleaning routine this year (and beyond) - Real Houses

It's a new year and you're working on a new you. Only the room you stayed in last year has stayed the same. Luckily, every new year brings a new opportunity to re-evaluate your routines. Whether you want to spend more time at your home gym or learn how to roll tortellini while watching your favorite shows on TV, there's one place where a fresh start will really do you good in the long run: your homework. Routine.

Not everyone is enthusiastic about cleaning, but when it comes to creating a tidy and organized living space, it is essential. Whether you're sprucing up a studio or dusting and decluttering a small apartment , here's the way to take it to the next level and create a beautiful space in the new year and beyond.

find joy

Starting new routines is about habit, dedication, building a new system, but most of all, according to laundry guru and cleaning expert Patric Richardson, it's about finding joy. "I'm famous for saying you should put a disco ball in your laundry room," says Richardson, whose books are a practical guide to reevaluating your relationship with laundry. "Make it a place you want to go."

His advice applies to apartment dwellers and those who use laundromats. "For those who don't have laundry facilities, it's the same idea. If the laundry room is in your building, throw in some flat magazines and carry an aromatherapy spray. They do. Enjoy the process! he says.

Is now

Procrastination can be the biggest killer when it comes to creating a routine that sticks. To avoid this, Richardson advises taking the time now. As in this time. Regarding the mess, Richardson notes, "We're so used to seeing it. We got to the point where we forgot. Instead of allowing clutter to build, Richardson deals with the clutter moment by moment. "Instead of setting a time or a day and doing everything at once, it's best to order locally." There are many products to help organize apartments and small homes , many of which are quite stylish. Investing in a partner can make the job a lot easier.

make an appointment

Doing "Empty Dates" or " Empty Tasks (Opens in a new tab) ", which is time spent with friends where you can also check off their respective to-do lists, is also a great way to establish a routine create that brings more joy. to your weekly tasks. Whether you and a friend help organize your closets together, or you both spend time shopping for cleaning supplies at Costco before lunch, these outings are a great way to connect, socialize, and unwind. .

Richardson advises anyone who goes to the laundromat to arrange to meet a friend. "When I was in college, I went on a 'laundry date.' I had a friend I could never catch up with, but we always met at the laundry. We brought snacks and it was like a little party," she says.

Make unpleasant tasks easier

Richardson may find joy in doing laundry, but there are other tasks that are more challenging, such as: B. Cleaning the bathtub . His advice? "Everything is more fun when you have the tools to make it work. One thing I really enjoy is a brush that I put on the end of my drill to use in my tub," he says. When it comes to dishwashing, Richardson's tip for having a little fun is to find a good dish soap. "It's more expensive, but it's a nice little gift," he says.

Richardson admits there's one task he finds more difficult: vacuuming. "I hate vacuuming," admits Richardson. His solution? "Turn on music! I'm listening to Donna Summer," she says. "Life is so busy that it can be nice to sit back, vacuum and listen to music for 20 minutes."

Invest in your tasks

Another way to set up a new cleaning routine is to minimize the number of obstacles you encounter when completing the task quickly. This is where the great tools can come into play. "If you treat yourself to a good vacuum like a handheld vacuum or a cordless vacuum , it doesn't have to be that difficult. All of this improves the cleaning routine because it makes it easier," he says.

If you don't have a working vacuum cleaner in your rental, ask your landlord if he or she can help you find an alternative.

Richardson points out that investing in good tools doesn't always come at a high price. One of her favorite essentials is her LLBean Boat and Tote (opens in a new tab) which doubles as her handy laundry basket. "It's a lot easier to move a tub of flexible clothes into the laundry room than a basket of clothes. And I've had a few that are 35 years old. The trick is to get the tools you love.

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