
Facial masks can cause breakouts in people prone to acne.

From the University of Alabama in Birmingham:

May 28, 2020

By Shannon Thomason

Face masks and blankets are recommended or needed to protect people around the world from the spread of the new corona virus. The masks prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by infected people by reducing the amount of viruses released into the air.

Key employees, healthcare providers, and others find that wearing a face mask for several hours can cause breakouts. Can wearing face masks make the skin worse in acne sufferers?

Yes, says Lauren Kole , a dermatologist at the University of Alabama in Birmingham . People with chronic skin problems or sensitive skin can be more sensitive.

"Wearing a mask can worsen acne and cause a condition called mechanical acne where repeated mechanical and rubbing pressures lead to pore blockages and acne breakouts," said Kole. "Masks also increase the heat and moisture around the nose and mouth, which can also irritate and worsen acne."

How can I prevent an acne breakout from wearing a mask?

Unfortunately, the best way to break this explosion is to remove the cause, says Kole; However, this is not an option in the current virus pandemic. "I recommend that you always wear a clean mask and remove the mask as soon as possible. Wash your hands before putting on or taking off the mask, and always wash your hands. Before you touch your face."

And the makeup under the masks? Does it make the skin worse?

This can be difficult for some people, but wearing a face mask can mean simplifying your daily beauty routine. "Wearing makeup can still clog and worsen your pores," said Kole. "I would avoid wearing makeup under your mask if possible."

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What is the best type of mask to keep your skin clean?

"Masks made of silk or silk-like fabrics can cause less friction and irritation, so they may be better for users with acne-prone masks."

Are there any special cleaning tips for the face or mask for those who are prone to acne?

Kole recommends cleaning the face with a mild detergent as soon as possible after removing the mask and moisturizing and protecting the skin with an oil-free moisturizer. "Cloth masks should be cleaned with a mild, fragrance-free cleaning agent that can further irritate the sensitive facial skin. Paper or surgical masks should be discarded after each use."

This press release was prepared by the University of Alabama in Birmingham . The opinions expressed here are those of the author.

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