
Bird Feeder: The complete guide to the best birdseed, how to make it yourself and where to buy it

• Learn how to prepare your own birdseed dispenser, what kind of food is best and try some types of squirrel food.

• Nature experts reveal the big things you can and can not do in bird feeders.

• Find out where to buy the best bird feeders and clean bird feeders, stations and tables.

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Bird feeding is a great way to lure more birds into your garden and provide our beautiful British species with indispensable food all year round.

Countryliving.com/uk Ness Amaral met with Rogers, the RSPB and Ben Kane, the founder of Boxwild (a company that offers gifts for bird lovers and wildlife) to seek expert advice on great things to do. Bird feeders, how to own and the best ways to protect your feeders.

Blue tit on bird feeder in garden

Getty Images Joe Houghton - www.joehoughtonphotography.ie

How to make your own bird food donor

There are many simple and smart ways to make your own bird charger

"Birdseeders are a fun way to join the wildlife in your garden," says Ben. "Bird Feeder machines are very easy to do and improving the basic elements of your weekly purchase is a fun way to engage children and show how reuse can be so easy.

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Ben has unveiled some of his favorite ways to create and update bird food donors ...


Orange skin feeder

1. The orange peel halves may be filled with a mixture of lard and seeds and hung on a stem for a biodegradable fat food.

orange peel bird feeder

Getty Images cisilya

Bread and spread

Peanut Butter 1. Spread or lard onto a slice of bread and dip into a seed mixture.

2. This can be hung on a tree to make a big bird eater.

3. Use peanut butter without added salt as the birds do not need extra salt in their diet.


1. Pine cones are a great bird feed dispenser. They can be grated in lard or peanut butter and dipped in your choice of seed mix.

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2. This camouflage good in your garden as they look natural and also provide great power plants. Do not forget your low-salt peanut butter!

pine cone bird feeder

Getty Images Warren_Price

Sunflower dried heads

These are super easy feeds and all-natural birds - just let the seeds dry and feed a chain through the top and hang them on a tree. The birds flock there in all seasons.

Halloween feed

1. Save your pumpkin on Halloween as a semen feed.

2. Remove the lid and cut the top of the pumpkin to a bowl.

3. Thread the string through the three sides of the pumpkin so that it can be hung from a branch and that it has a compostable feed basket.


"A super easy to do if you have apples left," Ness added.

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1. Start by removing the grain, then squeeze the sunflower seeds into the fruit.

2. Put two sticks on the apple to make a hanger and hang it up with a rope.

bird feeder with apple

Getty pictures Mark Bolton

Homemade fat cakes

1. Melt the sebum or lard in a bowl and mix the seeds, nuts, oats, fruits or dried cheese.

2. In the meantime, drill a small hole in the base of a yoghurt pot and pull through a rope.

3. When placing the mixture in the yoghurt cup, make sure that you go in the middle of the mixture to the end of the chain so that it sits firmly in the middle when it's done.

4. Store in the refrigerator until cooked.

5. When you prepare the cake, you can leave the yoghurt container and hang it in your garden.

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Carton roll feed

"A cardboard tube used in the kitchen, or toilet rolls, that's a great loader," said Ness.

1. Make four holes in the bottom of the pipe to later drill a few rods in a cross section.

2. Drill two holes at the top to pass the rope and be able to hang.

3. Cover the tube in the sebum or lard with a knife in front of the stalk and roll in the birdseed.

4. The thread carefully sticks through the bottom to form small hangers and attach a thick string through the top two holes. Hold onto the branch of a tree or the clothesline.

Old plastic bottle charger

1. "Recycled plastic bottles and milk cartons can be hung or handled on a branch of the top," Ben said. "Pass a wand through the bottle on each side to create a pole with a hole over which the squatting birds can take the seed, which is a large dining area.

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1. Use a good mix of seeds

"Seed mixtures can vary enormously in quality," said Ness. "Best mixes contain many cornflakes, sunflower seeds and peanut granules. Small seeds, such as millet, primarily attract sparrows, finches, females, brushstalk and pigeons neck, while corn flaking easily caught by blackbirds.

"Avoid seed mixtures are separated peas, dried beans, lentils or dry rice, because only large species such as pigeons can eat dry. These will increase to certain mixtures of cheaper seeds ".

2. Add these seeds

"Fill the feeders with sunflower seeds and black Nyjer seeds - they are fatty and are an excellent meal year-round," Larry said.

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3. Give leftovers

"The leftovers from your dinner are a delicious treat," said Ness. "Bread is good, but it's really a filling with unsalted fat, baked potato, grated cheese, nuts, apples, pears, and raw and cooked cakes.

4. Feed all year

"Not only do birds learn that your garden is a haven and constantly visit, but must be fed on the birds winter , when the food is low, and in the summer when they are busy feeding their chicks," Ness said , "You can see a drop in visitors during the fall as the birds move in to enjoy the plentiful food in the hedgerows and fields, but do not worry, they will come!

5. Clean food leftovers

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This is how it does not shape or attract rats. At the end of the day it is usually the best.

6. Do not use fat for cooking

"Do not use grease to cook in bird feeders because these meat juices are not good for bird feathers," said Ness. "Also avoid margarine, vegetable oils, milk, cooked porridge, dried coconut, any mold and everything is salty."

7. Do not use peanuts

"You should not use salted or dried roasted peanuts," said Ness. "Peanuts can be high in a natural toxin called aflatoxin, which can kill birds, so always shop with a reputable dealer."

8. Do not forget the water

"It's important for birds to drink and wash their feathers," Ness said. "Please make sure you clean it regularly so the disease does not spread so easily, and so will your feeders."


Gray squirrels can be a little annoying to bird lovers because they have clever ways to access the bird's feed that stays in the garden.

"The bird feeders squirrels are the most common question," said Ben. "This is a difficult task, as the squirrels are very intelligent and determined, and I swear the squirrels believe the bird feeders are completely there for them!"

Here are some great ways to keep squirrels away ...

1. The tour of olive oil

"One of the easiest ways to prevent squirrels from damaging your feeders and eating their birdseed hanging is to provide your feeder station with care and apply it to really slippery a uniform layer of oil olives on the rod. Ben Said

"That means the squirrels can not hold the pole and pull it when they try to climb it."

2. Stay away from trees

"The plant should be away from trees or fences because they jump over at their feeding site," Ben said.

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3. Squirrel contracts

"There are many other options for the squirrel," said Ben, "as sliding sleeves cover donor seeds, feeder runs when the pressure of the squirrel's weight perched on the hanger to keep the cone squirrel feeders climbing, distributing the handle so that if the squirrels preserve the rod, the gate closes and the seed is hidden, the feeders of the cage etc.

"The list also includes complete courses of attacks that are less fearful and want to be fun to challenge these squirrels.

4. A big feeding station

"The most successful and cheapest option is a large power plant with a greased post, with an additional cone to bend the squirrel," said Ben.

squirrel on bird feeder

Getty Images The Stocker

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5. Be fat

"Vaseline or another fat in a soft publication will also help," said Ness. "These methods only work if the squirrel can not jump directly to the charger, but they must approach the forbidden route."

6. Buy special bird feeders that are squirrel-proof

"You can buy feeders with a cage around them, but they are not resistant to the squirrel, not the squirrel, and a small person will be able to get through," said Ness.

7. Use chilli powder

"The thick chilli powder or pepper sauce, like Tabasco, can be speckled on food for birds," said Ness. "Birds are not disturbed by chili, but most squirrels can not stand the burning sensation and leave the food."

bird house

Getty pictures Francois De Heel


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Ben suggests we clean our feeders every month. Here are his cleaning tips:

1. Fill a bucket with warm water and soap - or even better with a 5% disinfectant solution.

2. Thoroughly rub the bird feeder and remove any traces of food or excrement.

3. Rinse with clean water and allow the charger to dry completely before filling and refilling.

4. It is very important to move the feeding troughs around the garden so that leftovers and excrement do not fall into the same patch for months, which can lead to the spread of the disease.

5. Provide the right amount of good bird food to ensure your garden birds stay happy and healthy.

Ben added, "You do not want food lying around for days, birds have to empty a feeding trough in a day or two, so feed regularly but in moderation."

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