
Sustainability tips for a clean indoor air

Did you know that, according to EPA, indoor air is typically 2 to 5 times more polluted than outside air? This is often due to the cleansing products we use and the effects on our environment and our health.

Three tips

Reduce the use of toxic chemicals by following the warnings when purchasing cleaning products. If the label says "Danger", "Warning" or "Warning" it probably contains toxins that contribute to air pollution.

Source: http://www.sensible-house-cleaning-olutions.com/product-warning-label.html

Look for biodegradable cleaning products or create your own. Making cleaning solutions for your home is very simple and often involves cooking ingredients for the kitchen. They are safe for children and pets, are inexpensive and can lead to better air quality in your home.

Source: http://www.integritycleaninglex.com/news/10mayorbenefitsofmakingcleaningproductsathome.html

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Do your homework when shopping with eco-labels. All eco-labels are not the same. Find out what really is a safe and environmentally friendly alternative by looking at the Eco Labels Index.

Source: http://www.ecolabelindex.com

What can you do?

Take the next step after replacing your cleaning products and register your company on Wednesday, July 25, at the "Buy Green and Clean" workshop featuring the Walking Mountains Sustainability Activally Green program becomes. Guest speakers from GSA will present specific solutions to the challenges we face in sustainable purchases such as mountain community. Sign in to http://www.walkingmountains.org/ag to secure your place.

About hiking mountains

The mission of the Walking Mountains Science Center is to arouse admiration and strengthen environmental and sustainability responsibility through science education. Visit http: //www.walking mountains.org/recycle for more information on disposing of garbage in Eagle County. Walking Mountains is a member of the Climate Action Collaborative for the Eagle County Community.

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