
Is your hotel room a germ bank? Use these simple tips to stay safe

We often assume that the hotel rooms are clean and free of germs. But is it true? No matter how clean your room is, it can still contain millions and billions of germs. Keep reading to be sure.

Is your hotel room a germ bank?

Is your hotel room a germ bank? | Credit: & nbspThinkstock

New Delhi: Are you a person with extreme fear of microbes and an obsession with cleanliness? You can call yourself a proud Germaphob. The world could make fun of us by showing our own page, but who cares? We want a world without germs, but there are not enough disinfectants to clean all the walls, ceilings, doors, buttons, and so on. But when it comes to hotel rooms, we assume that everything is clean and tidy. But is it true? Do not be charmed by white sheets and bathrooms. No matter how immaculate the room looks, there are many germs. But do not worry. We bring you some tips and tricks to keep your hotel room clean.

  • Check the comforters

The bedspreads should be cleaned chemically on a regular basis. However, this exercise is done once a month. Just think how many people use this bed in a week. If you are in a room with quilts, pull them out and hold them aside. And when you are cold at night? Ask for more blankets.

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  • remote Control

Guess what the "germinated" surface in a hotel room is. According to a survey by Oshins, bacteria shoot at remote television surfaces and turn them into the germinal surface in a hotel room. Then, apparently, the remote control of the TV does not attract the attention of the cleaning staff. Years pass and nobody cleans this poor remote.

  • Wash dishes before use

It is a basic and valid piece of advice. Utensils such as cups, plates, spoons etc. They are often used in a hotel room. Over time, many people used them. For this reason, you should definitely wash the utensils before use.

If bedbugs scare you and you are scared of the little parasite, we offer you a suggestion. Pack your suitcase to the bathroom. Believe it or not, bathrooms are the most unhealthy rooms as they are cleaned regularly.

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