
How often do you need to clean your bathroom?

Smart showers, toilets, mirrors and more are now part of the modern bathroom. Unfortunately, these advances can not be saved before cleaning. Some areas should be cleaned daily, while others should be cleaned at least once a week. A regular cleaning program can prevent the accumulation of dirt and germs and save time in the long term.

Bathroom carpet

Once a week, throw the carpet in the washing machine. Wash the gentle cycle in warm water and let it dry in the open air (especially if it is non-slip on the back) before you put it back. Always follow the instructions on the label if you are not sure.


If you live alone, you can probably clean the toilet every few days. If you have children, the rules change. The exterior, the handle and the seat should be cleaned once a day with an antibacterial cleaner or wipe.

Most families can handle cleaning the bowl once a week, especially if you use this top of the toilet tank . If you have difficult stains in your bowl, Taylor advises Martin to pour Coca-Cola (yes, soda) into a spray bottle and to saturate the stain with the drink. Let yourself rest for a few hours. The stain should be lightly scrubbed with a toilet brush.

bathroom curtain

Once a month you should remove your plastic shower curtain or shower curtain and dispose of it in the washing machine. Here are five tips to clean your shower curtain in the washing machine .

Shower and bath

You only need to clean the shower and bath once a week, but if you have a glass shower door, you will need a little more attention. To avoid lather adherence and to keep the glass clean, clean the water with a squeegee after each shower. These few seconds can prevent you from rubbing at the end of the week.

Bath towels

My family has been having this debate for years. How often should you wash your bath towels? In fact, it depends. The three to four applications are a good rule, but there are certain conditions in which a towel should be washed after use. Here's how to wash your towels .


When washing hands, germs accumulate on the hands on the rinsing buttons and in the sink. Even if you live alone, the sink had to be cleaned every day with antibacterial cleaners or detergents.


Like the sink, the mirror needs to be cleaned daily to remove lint, dust and stains from toothpaste. After leaving the tub or shower, simply wipe with a microfiber cloth.


Yes, your hairdryer also needs a suitable cleaning program to prevent overheating. Here's an easy way to clean a hair dryer in just minutes .

What's wrong: look at this: add intelligence to your bathroom that is transforming


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