
Final look back to 2017

Controlled environments - As another year draws to a close, it's time to look back on items and issues that were throughout 2017 for the readers of greatest interest.

The most popular items of the year was "the design of air conditioning for clean rooms ," which explains how the HVAC - system is the "heart" of a plant. There are significant differences between conventional configurations air conditioning and clean rooms as well as between an air conditioner and air conditioning. The information in this article is "[simplify] to facilitate the concept of CVC for talks with your provider Cleanroom for your next project." Https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/05/hvac design cleanrooms

Alarms are needed to monitor the clean rooms and equipment, and can prevent the loss of income and products. " Definition of limits corresponding alarm of the process of sterile production ," warns against misinterpretation of the cGMP - guidelines and the use of non - environmental monitoring systems, which can affect the mission of a white space before it starts. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/04/setting-appropriate-alarm-limits-sterile-manufacturing-processes

The pharmaceutical industry may be changing slowly. Common cleaning agents may be preferable to the old methods, and overcome the weaknesses found Facility Manager cleanroom in the past. " Changing the paradigm of cleaning and the disinfection of clean rooms " is about the highest level of security to get pollution control ... while noting that the most effective method that pollution must be prevented in the first place. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/03/changing-paradigm-cleaning-and-disinfection-cleanrooms

Ultrasonic cleaning is used in a wide range of professions. Solution formulations suitable purification procedures well before and after cleaning is an essential part of compliance with the quality control and quality control. " Guidelines for the cleaning of ultrasound solution of choice " help professionals clean room understands the basics: types of pollution that should be eliminated, the product composition, the following steps to cleanliness and the definition of the word "clean." Https: // www.cemag.us/article/2017/02/guidelines-ultrasonic-cleaning-solution-selection

The tips section cleanroom controlled environments features and Don'ts "sent by our readers. Our most popular board in 2017 was " human pollution minimization " by Michael Rodd M + W Products, which explains that human pollution, the main concern when it comes to clean the room. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/02/cleanroom-tip-minimizing-human-contamination

As in all white spaces shapes and sizes, there is no one size fits answer to determine their classification. " Understanding clean mean ratings ," explains the best way to adapt their practices, clothing, to meet equipment and products to the specific needs. For this article, we spoke with Patrick McGee, clean room area director PortaFab Corp., for details on how to adjust the different levels of classification of the clean room properly. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/05/understanding-what-cleanroom-classifications-mean

Facility Manager cleanroom often want to know about the best practices in terms of the frequency of particles and viable aseptic controls. be made WHO recommendations and USP <1116>. The frequency of monitoring will be carried out according to the risk assessment of the manufacturer. "The intake air samples microbial the pharmaceutical industry monitoring aseptic " addresses this problem in depth. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/03/microbial-air-sampling-pharmaceutical-aseptic-monitoring

Our columnist "Regulatory Forum", Bikash Chatterjee , wrote " Understanding the Calendar 16 changes in the experts and the release of the batch ," detailing the recent changes in the European Union in terms of the responsibilities in terms of quality drugs. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/02/understanding-annex-16-changes-qualified-persons-and-batch-release

There are many different types of clean rooms to all kinds of needs built. "The cost of construction of a clean room " describes various types of facilities, as well as what should be considered in the design and construction as well as the hidden costs into account. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/04/costs-building-cleanroom

To complete our first 10 articles of the year was our annual Trends cleanroom collection and wages , to analyze a questionnaire to our readers sent decisions about the rooms equipment cleaning services as well as purchase their wages and benefit packages and job satisfaction. We use these results to analyze trends - items to compare its white space and total compensation with peers and see what might be in store for cleanroom industry in the future. https://www.cemag.us/article/2017/07/2017-cleanroom-trends-and-salary-survey

A controlled environment will continue to monitor these and other issues related to the clean and pollution control, new content that we bring in 2018 thanks to a year for reading carefully!

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