
Football Manager 2018 Guide tips and tactics - Clean Slate approach formations ...

Football Manager 2018 Guide tips and tactics - clean slate approach, training, vulnerabilities, backup plans, equipment instructions

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Football Manager 2018 Guide tips and tactics

As you now know, is quite complicated Soccer Manager game. There are many things that you struggle with as they try to build their empire in the world of football. 2018 Guide tips and tactics Football Manager shows you how you can ease the process with many useful tips to help along the way.

For more help on Football Manager 2018, you can consult our guide for beginners and to sign best Wonder leader .

Football Manager 2018 Guide tips and tactics

Here are some voices Football Manager 2018 tips and tactics you can use to improve your chances of success in the new Football Manager 2018th

Football Manager 2018 tips and tactics

Do not think too much equipment instructions

Many people seem to fill every single option in the panel for the equipment. This is not a good idea. Use select any option for a good and to choose an option. to try to think that it is the best choice for you and mark it. The best Many commands are the player can not be understood, so it is better to phrases such as "expressive" for some creative players, rather than the whole team.

They think in real time

Most commands have to enter a game. You need to analyze the other team and decisions on their weaknesses based. For example, the right to use when it quite slow defenders.

The Borron approach and new account

You can also equipment instructions and fill out the preseason they begin to understand Remove that the instructions will be to all the player's advantage to you. This also gives the opportunity to experiment with different tactics.


That's really up to you. It is better if you try to choose an education, preferably the positions of their best players. Try to find the best balance between the formation of offensive and defensive formation. Try each position around a bit to move depending on the particular player that plays in it.

Take the advice of the Holy Trinity

built during training and tactics, there are three things that you should consider. How will defend itself how to qualify and how they help. You must around these basics configure the team and try to implement the established guidelines for achieving these goals.


Football Manager 2018 you can see how vulnerable and susceptible areas breakthroughs. Try to create a form that has the minimum amount of these red areas when you can move players to have control over the length of the field.

Backup plans

Thereafter, a tactic gets backup if your current loans are sterile. Try to experiment with training and instruction in tactics backup so that they can be useful in a difficult time when a new perspective is needed.

Surveillance games

Seriously, regardez-! Assembly kits in the preseason and experiment to see where improvements is required and where it is necessary to change some tactics to be successful with the various layers. watching the game is very important, and try to collect all the information you can celebrate as possible.

That's all we have 2018 tips and tactics for our leader Football Manager. We - you know if we have missed something with the comment field - below!

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