
Guidry take physical cleaning with computers longer

We often talk about how to keep the software, but what about the hardware? Computer work better and last longer if you take good physical care of them.

The teams must be protected from extreme temperatures and humidity. Try to keep your computer away from windows and vents and avoid wetlands near bathroom and laundry room.

This applies in particular to store for later use for old computers. Memory an old computer in a garage or shed exposed to mention paths cycle freeze-thaw, not moisture and insects - like the insect and not the software. While the team is still working, your life can be shortened, and could be the kind of strange errors we see with the default host to.

Dust can drown through the fan and vents circuit causes to heat more rapidly and fail. Use to clean a can of compressed air machine. Be sure to unplug the unit before starting. You also need to off ports dust, which connect the cable to the computer, and all slots CD or USB. Position your computer so that their fans and are get the maximum airflow and are not obstructed.

Some computer cases are designed to be opened by the user, but many are not. If yours is, and you feel comfortable, you can open the case and gently blow compressed air through the motherboard. It should be noted that the opening of a computer can not void the warranty, so if in doubt, jumping user-serviceable.

You can clean dirty keyboards and mice with a damp cloth or a little alcohol on a cotton swab. rubbing tablets and private phones with a damp cloth without solvent.

It's also a good idea, hard cases and shields on the screen buy to protect your laptop, tablet and smartphone. While this does not protect against serious damage (drop the computer), it will help against scratches and minor scratches.

What's drink with the inevitable spill? Liquids can be death for laptops, mainly because dripping from the keyboard in computer circuits.

Spills are not so great for desktop keyboards, either, but they are easily replaceable. When the liquid is water, you have a better chance of recovery. sweetened soft drinks and coffee are usually do more damage because the sugar layer circuits. This can Expert repairs or must be replaced even what another is to keep updated backups at any time.

In both cases, the unit tends to dry with towels best to allow drainage of excess liquid, then placed in a sealed bag with a drying agent such as silica-package. Do not use the dryer.

Printers are cleaned with compressed air. Many also have an option in their software utility to clean the snaps and the paper path. Do not forget other electronic devices such as routers and switches dust. While computers that vents may be clogged with dust.

If you, they will keep for a long time running quality electronics from the beginning, and take good physical care.

• Triona Guidry is a computer specialist and freelance writer. Tech - Tips Blog www.guidryconsulting.com/techtips provides support for Windows and Mac tips.

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