
How to Clean Makeup Brushes According to Experts - Yahoo!

How to clean makeup brushes

Here's how to clean makeup brushes, according to the experts at Getty Images

Your favorite beauty influencers and celebrities can probably name their favorite makeup brush by name or number and tell the difference between an eyeshadow brush and a kabuki brush. Whether you wear makeup lightly or every day, make sure your makeup brushes are thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis. Yes, thoroughly. Think about it for a second. When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? If the response takes longer than a few weeks, you should proceed. The state-certified dermatologist Dr. Aanand Geria and celebrity makeup artist Sebastien Tardif explained to Seventeen why it's important to keep your brushes fresh and shared top tips for cleaning your makeup brushes.

How often should you clean your makeup brushes and beauty sponges?

When it comes to beauty in general, most rules are based on circumstances. In this case, Tardif suggests checking how often you use your brushes and what you use them for. The Veil Cosmetics co-founder recommends washing your brushes once a week if you use them daily. On the other hand, apply different products like cream and other waterproof makeup formulas every time you apply makeup with a single brush. Tardif recommends cleaning it after each use. As for beauty sponges, the makeup pro recommends washing them two to three times a week, as they need to be damp to work best and are more likely to harbor and spread bacteria.

What is the best way to clean makeup brushes?

As intimidating as it may seem, especially when you have dozens of makeup brushes, you can clean them all in a few simple steps. Tardif prefers mild household cleaners like Dawn Dish Soap and Johnson's Baby Shampoo. He recommends professional cleaners Parian Spirit Wipes or Beautysoclean Wipe Out if you're in a hurry.

First, mix one part shampoo with four parts warm water and soak the bristles in the solution. Then gently massage the brush against your palm, rinse and repeat until the water runs clear. Once your brush is clean, Tardif recommends wringing out excess water and shaping the brush's bristles to prevent drying out on a bad hair day. Once that's done, lay the brush flat on the edge of a work surface and let dry. Tardif recommends cleaning the brushes overnight so they can air dry completely if you need to use them the next day. It's important to let the brush dry completely, as wet brushes are more susceptible to bacteria like mold and mildew. Once the brushes are completely dry, Tardif suggests spraying 70% isopropyl alcohol on a paper towel and rubbing the brush against it to seal and sterilize the bristles.

What Are the Side Effects of Not Cleaning Makeup Brushes?

It's all too easy to put off cleaning your makeup brushes, but the health of your skin depends on whether or not you break out regularly. "Cleaning makeup brushes too infrequently leads to a build-up of bacteria, which contributes to skin irritation, rashes and pore clogging." When blemishes and blemishes appear, there's always a chance that hyperpigmentation lingers, so this is another reason Clean your makeup brushes as recommended. Plus, using dirty tools has even greater consequences. "Dirty makeup brushes can also lead to viral infections like conjunctivitis or cold sores," adds Dr. added Geria. So if you've noticed new breakouts after applying your makeup, "dirty brushes may be to blame." In addition to long-lasting skin effects, soiled makeup brushes can reduce "brush performance" and alter your "intended use" as product builds up on the hair fibers of the brush.

When Should You Replace Old Makeup Brushes?

No matter how much you love your trusty makeup brushes, you should replace them from time to time. There's no time limit for replacing brushes, but Tardif says you should throw out your old ones if you notice the bristles falling out a lot or if they're losing their shape.

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