
How to clean wood stove glass: 'Amazing remedy' to dissolve 'stubborn black stains' - Daily Express

A wood stove is not only a source of heat, but also a focal point in a . However, with regular use, soot can settle on the glass door, which can significantly reduce the view of the fire. The most common cause of this is when wood with a moisture content of more than 20% is burned or when a hot log touches the glass. To remove window scratches, have taken to social media to share their top tips.

Referring to cleaning tips on Facebook, one woman explained how she removed built-up residue that "wouldn't move" on the glass of her wood-burning stove.

Posting a picture of her 'shiny' wood stove, Karen Garden said: "I used to clean the inner glass of my wood stove with wet wipes and paper towels, but I felt like there was a little build up of residue that didn't want to move.

"I followed a tip I had heard about rubbing ashes with a newspaper and indeed any remaining residue was removed and it glittered out. I highly recommend this tip."

The post received more than 200 comments from other members of the group, many of whom are willing to share their opinions.


Next, crumple some newspaper into loose balls before lightly dampening and dipping in the wood ash (either the one that's still on the stove, or the one you saved from emptying the pan).

Now rub the glass with the newspaper in a circular motion until the soot residue comes off. Regular wiping of ash and dirt with a clean, damp cloth will help you see progress.

This wood stove cleaning hack is recommended not only by Mrs. Hinch fans but also by the stove experts at Ignite Stoves.

They said: "With the wide range of window cleaning products available, cleaning your window is relatively easy. These can cost you pennies and are great for removing stubborn stains on glass.

"However, there is a method for cleaning the glass of your wood stove that we share with our customers that may surprise you.

"Instead of using store-bought glass oven cleaners, just use the wood ash inside the oven to clean the glass. Yes, it is true that the ash from burning wood in your stove can be used to clean glass.

"We had heard about this trick and had doubted its effectiveness for a long time. However, when we tried it a few years ago, we couldn't believe how well it worked.

"So if you're wondering how to clean your stovetop glass and get great results while saving a bit of money, this is definitely worth a try."

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