
Pet Friendly Penticton cleans up the dog beach during Royal Acts of Caring Week - Summerland Review

Inspired by Ms. Burdock's 7th and 8th graders at KVR High School asking Mayor Julius Bloomfield to call Real Acts of Charity Week February 12-18, the founder of Pet-Friendly Penticton organized a dog beach cleanup on Okanagan Lake .

Kona Sankey and another volunteer joined a dog park visitor Monday to clean up the beach. It was a windy and cold day, but the clean-up went well.

"By far the most unusual thing we found was a quilt," he said. They also found five or six socks and took out a lot of glass and rubbish. They borrowed rakes from PACE, who helped sift through the rocky terrain. They ended up leaving with a big garbage bag full of garbage.

Kona is planning another purge of Main Street and the KVR Trailhead on Friday, February 17 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

"It's supposed to be pretty cold on Friday so I'm not sure how involved I'll be. First, we're going to clean up the dog poo at the [Holy Cross] Catholic School on Main Street. This was an area that also needed some attention."

Sankey said he will be planning more spring cleanings and will be announcing them on the Pet-Friendly Penticton Facebook page.

Okanagan Dog Park. (Posted)

Photos: Dogs, cats and even goats are the stars of Penticton's new Christmas market

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