
5 cleaning tips for people who hate cleaning.

As I said, I'm lazy . Cleanliness is one of my most unpopular things in the world, and I'm happy to cleanse as much as I want, oh, I do not know, after reliving. But in the last year I have made constant efforts to improve the situation and slowly, but for sure I became pretty regular actor choir. If you are not naturally prone to cleaning, you know how hard it can be to hold the dishes or pick up a duster. To help, here are five tips, tricks and strategies that have helped me cope with this awful work called housecleaning ...

Source: dclutterbug.net

1. Set a timer

One of the main reasons why I hate cleaning is that it seems to be an endless process. As soon as I store something, dust is in something else and as soon as I fold something, it is washed. It's really overwhelming and I tend to focus on all the things I did not, instead of doing what I did, I rarely feel that the work is completed or rewarding. The best solution to this problem? Wait a limited amount of time, set a full timer and clean your little heart until it goes out. This strategy keeps me at work, it forces me to cleanse for a constant time and allows me to see exactly what I do in a limited time. You can use a kitchen timer or a stopwatch or create an optimistic music playlist and clean it up to the end.

Source: goodhousekeeping.co.za

2. Have a dance party

Speaking of playlists of rousing music, the best when most clichés, entertained in your housework dances while doing. Shake your prey while you dust the shelves. Practice your belly dance while you empty the dishwasher. Shoot a Tom Cruise in "Risky Business" as you fold the clothes. Bonus: You will burn extra calories!

Source: Purify my room

3. Split it into small jobs (very, very small)

I always found this advice rather annoying until I tried it out and found it to work completely. Simply turn your usual to-do list into a ridiculously specific and detailed to-do list. Rather than just being able to enter "Clean Room" My To Do List includes "table clean center, table clean coffee, shelf 1 shelf 2, powder, TV, Swiffer floor, neat DVD, folding ceilings. At first, it sounds ridiculous and overwhelming, but really demystifies the cleaning process, and believe me: when you start working smaller, you feel super productive and motivated.

Source: HGTV.com

4. Multitasking

The good thing about cleaning (I never thought to write these words) is that most cleaning tasks do not require your full concentration. That means you can purify while you're talking to your best friend on the phone, watching a favorite episode of "Seinfeld", listening to a book on the band, or practicing the conjugation of their verbs in French. The cleaning is zero because it is boring. Everything that makes it less boring is good.

Source: Reader's Digest

5. Reward

These may be my tendencies of the bull, but I am a strong proponent of the pay for an unpleasant job. If cleanliness is an unpleasant task reward you rewarded with a relaxing bath and a glass of wine or a goal set to enjoy a monthly cleansing and a pedicure or a new pair of earrings when you get there. A luxury and the satisfaction of a clean home will enable you to reach the void in a short time!

Very good readers, now it's your turn. Favorite cleaning tips to share? How do you stay motivated to do your homework?

Original by Winona Dimeo-Ediger

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