
Want to get rid of the annoying love insects? Here are some useful tips

If you have recently walked through your door, you must have seen a flock of tiny flying insects that we, Floridians, have called love insects. Anyone can tell you that they do not like unwanted visitors, especially when they're splashed in the car.

Instead of constantly spending money on a car wash, here are some useful tips to keep them away and keep your car clean when they're everywhere. Keep in mind that these are not universal solutions to the problem of errors, but should effectively reduce your numbers in your area.

To keep insects out of love or get rid of them in or around your home:

- Spray your front door with a natural spray. It will remove it, or at least leave it on the ground, if you know what I mean.

- Create your own insect repellent. Mix warm water with a citrus-scented detergent such as orange or lemon dish soap with a little mouthwash and shake well in a spray bottle. This helps them stay away from their plants and walls.

- Suck it with a vacuum cleaner.

- Keep in touch by mowing the lawn so you do not feel attracted to leaves and dirt. In addition, irrigation complicates egg laying.

- Wear dark clothes.

If you cover your car, do the following:

- Moisten the hood with water, take a few dryer sheets that you can pick up in places like Wal-Mart, and then gently rub them off. I should come immediately. Then rinse with water.

- A moist cloth soaked in baking soda does not damage your color.

- A good old WD-40 helps with cleaning.

- If possible, install a filter on your car's grill to prevent it from getting into the radiator.

These solutions are designed to make your life easier and your pockets fuller, until the time comes when these people move on.

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