
Are these the dirtiest roommates in the UK? A couple living with spoiled food and dirty pants says yes ...

A COUPLE who lives with spoiled food and dirty pants has shown that she buys clothes instead of washing the clothes she owns.

Sarah and Jordan from Belfast, who live with their classmates Paddy and Ciaran, are among the roommates who appear in the new BBC Three series Fight Dirty.

"Partners in Grime" is a group of two couples from Belfast


The "partners in the dirt" are a group of two couples from Belfast Credit: WARNING: Use of this image is subject to the BBC Pictures digital image terms of use.

The roommates, who are referred to as "partners in the dirt", are against the "party animals", a group of four children, Matthew, Lorcan, Gavin and Ronan.

Students live in a house full of clogged sinks with sick people and bathrooms that have seen better days and admit that they live in a "fly infested fly".

The boys say that there is no point in cleaning because their house is ransacked because they are constantly organizing wild parties.

Gavin said, "When my mother or father enters this house, they'll call me ashamed. It's confused."

The "party animals" are a group of four students who organize crazy parties.


The "night owls" are a group of four students who organize wild parties. Credit: WARNING: Use of this image is subject to the BBC Pictures digital photo terms of use.

The program instructs each group of friends to clean each other's houses in five hours, and the winners go with £ 1,000.

But to win, they have to endure months of dirt, mold and dirt.

Sarah says her motto is "out of sight, out of her mind", food is out of order.

Children are surprised by the amount of rotten food in the room.


Children are shocked by the amount of rotten food in the room. Credit: BBC3

Even though he lives in the garbage, he said that smell was what he hated the most.

She said, "You can feel it in your eyes, you can taste it, just sit on it.

"We order takeaway food, especially after a night out, eat in the room and then kick it, and it's no longer there and out of sight, I live that."

You can't even know what that mold pile was eating


You can't even know what food was in that pile of mold. Credit: BBC3

She admitted that she and her boyfriend and Jordan were "lazy" even though their mother was a cleaning lady.

But he used his mother's advice to clean the toilet and pour a bottle of coke.

His dirty habits don't stop at fast food, as Jordan revealed: "At home, we wash clothes once a month."

The party goers' sink is clogged with vomiting: the fault lies with Lorcan


The sink is clogged with throwing revelers - it's Lorcan's fault Credit: BBC3

While Sarah admitted the couple were spending money on new clothes instead of using the washing machine.

She said, "To be fair, we buy new clothes most of the year instead of cleaning them."

It's obvious that his clothes are lazy after the night owls spot a few crunchy boxers in his room.

Sarah's room is full of dirty food and clothes.


Sarah's room is full of food and dirty clothes. Photo credit: WARNING: Use of this image is subject to the terms of use of the BBC Pictures digital photo.

Gavin takes the dirty pants he describes as "crispy, moldy, smelly," and Ronan says, "He did everything in these boxers."

As the boys dive deeper into the room, they are horrified by the many takeaway meals that have been left for months.

There is a serious debate about a moldy box of dominos food without knowing whether it used to be chicken wings or quarters.

Dirt, mold and dirt are everywhere in both houses.


Dirt, mold and grime are everywhere in both houses Credit: BBC3

Ronan added: "The smell is absolutely terrible. You have to be absolute losers.

"Anyone who has this food is an absolute shame. I don't know how this person lives here. ""

Sarah and Jordan not only leave the chaos in their own rooms, but also use the oven to store Buckfast bottles.

Jordan admits that he also uses the stove to keep Sarah's Christmas present without anyone in the house using it for cooking.

The teams clean for five hours to earn £ 1,000 and spend £ 50 on supplies


The teams clean for five hours to earn £ 1,000 and spend £ 50 on supplies. Credit: BBC3

Party people are completely surprised when they open the oven to find the bottles and discuss who is using an oven for storage.

Describing the disgusting new picture, the BBC said, "In addition to the really amazing dirt, there are some superior cleaning tricks along the way, such as using glue to clean a notorious toilet. Why should the mold be moistened before cleaning?" Scratching could save your health.

"There is also special advice from our own artist Grime. If there is something he likes more than Grime Music, it is real dirt and he wrote a song that tells you how to use your moldy shower with that Being able to clean power from snails. Seriously. "

In other cleaning news , these cleaners revealed how they used elbow grease to instantly remove stains on the fabric base.

And these four women prefer to clean their house rather than have sex with their partners.

While this woman her bed soiled and was like new stained with 89p-spray, which gave professionals at 50 pounds, to clean it.

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