
The best tips to protect you from Corona

The corona virus is spreading rapidly around the world, with recent cases in the UK, Italy and Nigeria. London is a lively city full of people, so we will definitely take precautions to avoid the dreaded disease.

The best tips to protect yourself against Corona Virus

Wash and disinfect your hands.

It is important that you wash and disinfect your hands to kill any viruses or bacteria that one of them has discovered. Antibacterial hand basins are available in stores such as Superdrug and are great for clean hands when traveling.

keep distance

If someone is infected, the virus can spread if you cough or sneeze. Drops of saliva or mucus are released, which easily fall on a person nearby and can be inhaled by the hands or transferred to the body. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your surroundings and to stay away from people who show signs of corona.

Wear a mask

Wearing a face is not essential, but it can provide some protection. It can prevent larger particles like mucus or saliva from getting into your mouth, but smaller particles can pass through the mask.

In general, it is very important to keep your hands clean and see a doctor immediately if you notice symptoms of the virus.

By Leilani Champagnie

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