
How to keep a house pool clean without running the pump and filter

( Newswire.net - February 10, 2020) - Think of all the glamor that a pool attracts: Friday afternoon, free afternoon ... If you have a pool, you've probably experienced it. So it would be a horror movie if the pump and filter in your pool stopped working a week before Christmas: how to avoid the build up of algae and green water in a dirty pool? Then try to contact the local pool office. But they can only be useful after the holidays. Then you decide to do it yourself: ordered online; At least you can fix the problem, but it would take 3 days to get it. These three days are enough for bad changes in your group.

As the hero of the film; What is your best chance to get a crystal clear pool? A few weeks ago I met Brain Polk, editor of ThePoolInsider.com ; and I learned a few cleaning tips for DIY pools. So don't worry, here it is:

dirt attack

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As in every action movie, there is a villain in the history of your pool. Indeed, there are many. But first, look at these debris. At least they are the most visible. Certainly, it's a great way to remove them from your pool and head off to clean the pool.

Every day you have to wade your pool with a net to remove hanging objects: leaves, insects, nylons, dirt, everything that floats in your pool. By letting your pool of organic products dominate, serve algae and bacteria in the pool a 3 square meter meal every day.

Operate your robot

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Given the recent failure of your group filter, it seems a good thing to find an alternative. Indeed it is. So if you have a pool cleaner, this may be the time it was created. Let it do its job: let it work.

In addition to the automatic pool cleaners conventional, there are intelligent pools. A smart pool cleaner can do everything a conventional pool cleaner can, but the opposite is not the case. Unlike traditional cleaning products, smart pools can track the shape and depth of your pool and learn more effective methods to focus on your pool. Like any technology, a pool cleaner can be expensive, but it's a great investment in the long run.

Brushes, brushes and brushes again

Image result for a POOL brush for cleaning a pool + pool cleaner

A pool bush could be very useful here. After removing the obvious debris and dirt, scrub the sides of the pool and the pool ladder with the pool brush. Understand that areas with little circulation and more stagnant water require a lot more attention and a few minutes longer washing.

Manage pool chemicals

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Like any other body of water, the pool is subject to fluctuations in chemical levels and pH. It would be advisable on your part to examine the concentration of these chemicals and the pH of your pool. Levels, at least three times a week, to ensure that the pool is usable.

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