
Stacey Solomon shares a cleaning genius to keep your drawers organized

Stacey Solomon has recently become a feeling of cleanliness on the Internet.

His "Tap to Ridy" messages have brought him a new legion of fans as he gives tips and advice on cleaning the house and making the most of the storage space. Instagram stories with fans.

The last trick that Loose Women fans love is perfect for those who have too much jeans and have no idea how to save them.

The 30-year-old woman showed how perfectly she had arranged her denim in her room, and luckily, her brilliant shooting method is free and easy to follow.

In an article in her Instagram stories, the mother of three revealed how she had reorganized the drawer while her youngest son Rex was napping this morning.

Stacey shared a video of her jeans drawer and other drawers full of skirts and sportswear.

Subtitling the clip: "It's not great, but it's not great either."

Stacey then released another video after completing his reorganization.

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Stacey Solomon

Stacey had ordered the 13 jeans in color before he wrapped them carefully and arranged them in neat rows.

The star also showed how she was repairing her skirts so that she could easily see what she had at a glance.

Stacey also worked in her fitness equipment drawer, but joked that she didn't need it often because it was the least used clothing.

She wrote: "The last drawer should never be messy because it is" sportswear "and I haven't seen a good gym in years."

The mother recently showed fans how to organize their shoes on clean shelves and continued to give fans tips on cleaning on their social networks.

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