
Dear Abby: I love my career in education, but my new wife, who is also a teacher, hates it.

DEAR ABBY: I am a teacher. I have a young son and I love being free during school holidays and spending the summer together. I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I recently married a woman 14 years younger than me who is also a teacher. My wife hates this job. She doesn't think it's exciting or serious enough. Her views on teaching hurt me because I believe it is a noble profession and also gives me valuable time with my son.

My wife decided to go to the police. This didn't happen out of nowhere. We've been discussing this for five years. I told him that this wasn't the life I wanted. I worked hard to be able to start a family and spend the summer holidays with my son. I was honest with her from the start. She often says that she also wants to spend time with our family and won't go to the police. Then, a few days later, he talks about it again.

We've only been married for six months, but I already regret it. I didn't get married to be alone all the time and go on vacation without my partner. I love him but I feel cheated and lied to. I don't think she's a good cop either; She's just obsessed with police shows and thinks that's how it's going to be. He's wasting a great career. I think it will be gone in a year or two. I think our biggest challenge is their lack of experience. What should I do? -- CONCERNED WIFE/MOTHER IN FLORIDA

DEAR WIFE/MOTHER: Calm down. There is no guarantee that your wife, even if she files an application, will be included in the prosecution in a non-administrative capacity. A few sessions with a licensed marriage and family therapist can help you communicate better.

Each of you seems to have very different ideas about what a happy marriage is. If an agreement cannot be reached and your marriage was short-lived, it may be best to separate amicably.


Dear Abby was written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and created by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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Dear Annie: We had an argument and he texted me saying, "I'm sorry he got me pregnant."

When pregnancy puts relationships to the test

DEAR ANNIE: I'm dealing with something that happened over a week and a half ago. I am a mother. My son is 15 years old. I've been with a man for two years but have known him for over six years. He has no children and has always expressed interest in becoming a father.

A year ago we decided to try for a child, but I was a little hesitant since my son is 15 and I am 35. In my head it's a bit old, especially for me because I'm not very healthy. Because I suffer from sickle cell anemia, I limited my birth age to 32 years. He is a good man to me and my son loves him very much. She told me that I had nothing to worry about and that she had been preparing to have a child for some time, but it just didn't happen. I also knew he would be a great father so we agreed to try and now I'm 36 and expecting a child.

My problem is that we had an argument the other day and he texted me saying he regretted getting me pregnant. I was so hurt. I couldn't believe he would say something like that when none of his other relationships had children. Now I don't talk to him anymore because I'm so upset and I told him I wouldn't put his last name on the baby's birth certificate if he was so sorry. He tried to apologize and contacted my mother to express his frustration, but I want nothing to do with him. I didn't wait 15 years for a man to say something so horrible to me. Do you think I'm going too far? --Postpartum depression

DEAR BABY BLUES: Your feelings are valid and understandable given the hurtful comments exchanged. Words, especially in times of anger, can leave lasting scars. Communication is crucial here. It is important to address the pain and root cause of the argument to understand whether it is a temporary frustration or a sign of deeper problems.

Evaluate the overall health of the relationship and the future you see with him. Is this an isolated incident or a warning sign? Ask yourself if you can overcome this problem with time, conversation, and possibly counseling. The choice of further action should reflect what is best for you and your child.

Send your questions to Annie Lane at Dearannie@creators.com .

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... cleaning tips . Tide Evo concentrated tile detergent in one hand. Legend. Tide Evo detergent on tiles. Emily Fazio · Cleaning...


I've been using the same method for cleaning my baseboards for years - it's cheap and easy, just...

A CLEANING fan shared her favorite way to keep her skirting boards in top condition.

He explained that he has relied on this simple and inexpensive trick for years.

A cleaning enthusiast shared three techniques to make home maintenance easier


A cleaning fanatic shared three techniques to make home maintenance easier. Photo credit: TikTok/mommapeaches5

The expert ( @Mommapeaches5 ) shared her cleaning tip in a viral TikTok video.

Remove dust and dirt from your white baseboards using common household items.

He sprayed it directly onto the baseboards with a window cleaner and let the product sit for a few minutes.

He then wiped away the residue with paper towels. The key, he added, is to stick to the routine every few months.

More information about cleaning

"My God, like new," she said, amazed at the difference it made.

A wiping hack turned a towel into a turbo cleaning weapon.

He ran a clean towel under the water and wrung out most of the water, leaving some on the fabric.

Then he heated it in the microwave for a minute.

Most read in Lifestyle

"This causes the entire microwave to fog up. So if any food spills on it, now all you have to do is start cleaning it thoroughly," he explained.

He immediately used the towel to clean the door and the bottom and top of the microwave.

I'm Old Amish and the women clean the entire house from top to bottom - our top three ingredients for making floors shine.

"Remember, it's very hot, but it's shiny," he warned.

She even had a homemade solution to thoroughly clean her wooden cutting boards.

On a board he added salt and half a lemon and squeezed the juice directly onto the wood.

After a few moments of "rubbing" the board with the lemon, the board was free of old food stains and odors.

Oh my god, like new.


"You should do this all the time, at least once or twice a week," he said.

"A little olive oil after a good rinse and all that, new people."

Cleaning enthusiasts were impressed by his innovative techniques.

"The microwave cloth trick is brilliant. Thanks!" said one commenter.

"I literally do every single one of these!" said another.

Some have shared their own tried-and-tested cleaning methods.

Read more at The US Sun

"Another tip for microwave cleaning is to use a glass measuring cup and fill it with water," one commenter said.

"Add some lemon, it will make the microwave smell good and clean.

Use a window cleaner to quickly clean your baseboards.


Use a window cleaner to quickly clean your baseboards. Photo credit: TikTok/mommapeaches5

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Experts explain why cleaning your plants could be the key to their growth

Teachers don't talk about it in elementary school, but plants need more than just water and sun to survive: When they live indoors, they also need a little attention. "Outdoor plants typically benefit from Mother Nature's cleansing process (rain and mist), but indoor plants need human care," says Madeline Hooper , host of the PBS show GardenFit . Fortunately, the process is simple. Here's exactly how to clean plant leaves so they thrive.

Why clean plant leaves?

"Think of the leaves as your plant's lungs," says Kelly Dyer , plant doctor and horticulture manager at Patch Plants . "On the underside of the leaves there are small stomata through which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as the absorption and release of moisture occurs." If the leaves of your plants are clogged with dust, they cannot effectively participate in photosynthesis and grow. For maximum health, Hooper recommends cleaning the top and bottom of the leaves, as well as the stems and stalks.

Related: Plant experts share their top tips for reversing root rot and the best way to prevent it.

How to clean plant leaves

Although Dyer says there's no rule for how often you should clean plant leaves, Hooper likes to do it once a week when he waters them. However, depending on how much dust has accumulated in your home, you may not even need to do this that often. Here we will tell you how and with what you should clean the leaves of your plants:

a feather duster

Just like you would use a feather duster to dust your furniture, you can also use it on the leaves of plants (top and bottom). "It's almost fun to dance around my plants and carefully dust all surfaces," says Hooper. In addition to being simple, this method allows for a gentle touch so as not to damage delicate leaves or stems. Tip: If your plant is particularly small, a soft makeup brush will suffice.

a damp cloth

How to clean plant leaves: Women in gray sweater remove dust from plant leaves.
Kinga Krzeminska/Getty

For Dyer, this is the easiest and safest way to clean the top and bottom of the blades. For best results, you should gently hold the leaf in one hand and clean it from the stem to the tip of the leaf. To do this, use a wrung-out damp cloth for larger leaves or a small damp brush for smaller ones. Be careful not to rub or you risk damaging the plant.

The key, Hooper emphasizes, is temperature: "The water should be warm, not too hot or too cold. Extreme temperatures affect your plants and can even stunt their growth. Hooper switches to this method when you have the windows open and pollen or other matter is building up, because of course the power of a feather duster is to remove the dust . Water can (usually) do the rest.

Related: Why is my house so dusty? Cleaning professionals provide answers and tips for elimination

If your plant needs a little more help cleaning, especially if you're struggling with pests, you can use an all-natural liquid soap like Dr. Use Bronner's Castile Soap . This is best for young, soft-bodied children as the soap removes their protective coating and causes them to dry out. The process is exactly the same as above except you add some soap to the water and then rinse the leaves.


Yes, you can really shower your plant; Think of it as rain. As with the damp cloth, you should use warm water and remember to turn on the shower slowly so that the soil does not leak out of the pot. For best results, massage the leaves gently to ensure water reaches the entire plant. When you're done, make sure the water drains completely out of the pot so it doesn't sink into its own soil.

Related: Plant Benefits: 7 Brilliant Ways to Water Plants While You're Away + a Trick You Should Never Try

How to make your plant's leaves glow

How to clean plant leaves: Woman watering houseplants.
Photographer DuKai/Getty

After you learn how to clean plant leaves, it's helpful to know how to make them shine.

First, Dyer notes that "some plants naturally have brighter leaves than others." Just as each person has their own unique characteristics based on their composition, plants also have their own unique characteristics. They are also similar in that "just as the health of human hair or skin depends on the health of our bodies, so do plants." To keep your plants healthy and happy, the most important thing is to give them the right ones to provide nutritional and environmental conditions.

However, giving the leaves a good shine will not harm the plant as long as you do not use the wrong treatment. It's important to know that you should stay away from commercially available leaf whitening products: "The oils in these products can have a harmful effect by clogging the stomata and creating a sticky surface that only attracts more dust," says Dyer. "The same goes for foods recommended by many crop protection councils, such as mayonnaise or beer." Ultimately, tap water in a spray bottle is your friend.

If you want to take it a step further, Hooper recommends a lemon and water solution, which harnesses the acidity of lemon to remove buildup or water stains. "It's a simple mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water. Put it in a spray bottle, spray the surfaces, then dry with a soft cloth," says Hooper. A vinegar solution also helps, which is also acidic and even acts as a pest control agent.

For more plant health tips, click on the links below.

4 easy ways to prepare your garden for spring - and save money too!

Best Time to Water Your Lawn + Simple Signs It Needs More

There's no need to throw away your rusty garden tools - here's how to clean them, according to gardening experts

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Gardener warns of serious mistakes when caring for the lawn with toxic products

Gardening is a hobby with many well-known benefits, but many gardeners face one very common problem: keeping weeds out.

A gardener took to Reddit to ask the community about a particular product called Roundup Weed and Grass Killer in this post from the r/garding subreddit. This Roundup product is a liquid designed to spray on unwanted weeds and grasses. Reddit users had a lot to say in response.

Photo credit: Reddit.

One user warned : "It's poison, it's meant to kill indiscriminately."

Another user responded with the following advice : "It's best to avoid using chemicals. Most of us simply pull weeds by hand after a rain when the ground is soft and all the roots can be pulled out. Some of us are really the weirdos." I'm grateful."

Many people enjoy the different elements of gardening. Caring for plants or an entire lawn can be both physically and mentally healthy and a beautiful experience every day.

Do you want to have a beautiful garden and lawn without spending money on excess water, chemicals and fertilizers? Some great options to explore include installing native plants or replacing your grass with other green, low-maintenance options, such as: B. clover or buffalo grass . Each of these options saves time and money and increases the habitat value of your lawn.

Native plants are also much friendlier to pollinators and insects. Building an ecosystem for pollinators is great because they help protect our food supply and also attract native birds and other animals.

Even by transforming just a portion of your lawn, you can save time and money while creating a welcome mat for beautiful and diverse wildlife. For helpful information and tips on installing native plants or natural grass, see the TCD guides here and here .

If you need to control weeds and other unwanted growth, it's best to thoroughly research the products available and use them sparingly. Coalitions have sought to ban toxic herbicides because of the potentially harmful effects of their use.

To avoid risks, people can protect their lawns and themselves by trying less expensive, natural options for weed control .

Regarding the Roundup product, one commenter shared , "I only use it on poison ivy because even if you pull it out it seems to grow back. For regular weeds, it's best to pull them out by hand."

Another commenter summed it up simply: "Please don't use it." Worst product ever made. »

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Household expert warns of food storage hacking trend and dangerous side effects

Cutting an overripe avocado can be a nightmare for anyone who eats this egg-shaped fruit for breakfast. But a home expert is warning his viewers to avoid a TikTok hack that claims to extend the life of avocados.

Fortunately, there is another trick that prevents unwanted side effects.

How does it work

Instagrammer Nicole Jacques (@itsnicolejacques) warned her nearly 750,000 followers not to store avocados, limes or lemons in water.

"There is an actual warning from the FDA regarding this viral TikTok hack ," he wrote in the post 's caption. "FDA researchers also found that keeping avocados in water allowed Listeria monocytogenes to penetrate the fleshy pulp beneath the peel."

Although the TikTok hack creates a "disease-causing soup," according to Nicole, there is another way to extend the life of these three fruits.

Simply wash them with baking soda and cold water. Then store the avocado in a vegetable drawer to slow the ripening process. For lemons and limes, Nicole recommends putting them in a bag after drying and placing them in the vegetable drawer as well.

A reusable storage bag could make this tip even healthier and more environmentally friendly by eliminating excess plastic waste .

as help

Throwing food in the trash is like throwing money down the drain and is not good for the planet. When landfills rot, a powerful heat-trapping gas called methane is released.

An overheating planet has led to more extreme weather events such as droughts, which have affected the availability of certain foods . In many cases this led to sharp price increases .

However, food poisoning is no better.

According to the Mayo Clinic, Listeria infections can cause fever, nausea and diarrhea. This foodborne illness is particularly dangerous for pregnant women, people over 65, infants and people with weakened immune systems.

Luckily, Nicole's trick is a way to safely extend the shelf life of these popular fruits . Other ways to curb food waste and save money include eating leftovers or using apps like Too Good to Go , which sells unsold restaurant products at low prices .

What everyone says

One commenter shared that they unfortunately joined the viral trend, with not-so-appealing results.

"Something I wish I didn't have to learn the hard way!" they wrote. "I thought [the avocado] had a suspicious smell... I bit into it and spit it out, but I still ended up with a stomach ache!"

Others, however, were grateful that Nicole stopped them from making a mistake.

"Good to know!!!" » said one person.

"My love. Thanks for the advice," another wrote.

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