
Recommendations for the race on Facebook, LinkedIn and job search history. In addition, work spring cleaning

Q: Do - I 'friend' my boss on Facebook?

A: It depends on whether your boss is a friend, or perhaps a relative. If your relationships precede their work, it is likely that your boss already knows a bit about his life. But if your relationship is just for the business, it would be wise to hold the arm in the social media.

Instagram photos, Facebook messages and others could affect your reputation if your boss does not think he is not politically or activities not to authorize their weekend. Employers can always look at your fingerprint, but you do not have to be fed with a spoon.

Q: - what my company 's request - your logo or slogan sign on my LinkedIn - Profile?

A: Yes, this site is to control you. Of course, a boss who absolutely need that you could draw, if he refuses. The choice is yours.

Q: Do - go to job fairs?

A: If you have a long time and have all the other search techniques recommended using depleted may be an advantage to get your resume directly from the company representative, especially if you are looking for entry-level positions.

Moreover, there is little chance to improve their chances to be hired. Most fair working positions are paid by large employers with staff offices. People who these cabins employees are rare for the direct recruitment responsible.

You could make a good impression on the face-to-face that might help your resume or application rising to the top of the stack. But for your professional work, it is better to spend their time in direct contact with the directors of human resources for professional meetings.

Q: I want a video - to do an interview. Tips?

A: Some of the great public libraries have departments use of resources that can help with video interviews, as well as professional associations and universities

Offices. If you are really shaking, see if you can get a sample rehearsal. Professional counselors can help you also practice fee.

wide tips: Pay attention to your appearance. Treat your toilet and your choice of clothes, as if it were an interview in the office.

Sit at the camera at eye level and look at the camera; do not see the computer screen. to maintain eye contact with the camera Try (and thus the interviewer) during the interview. Set far enough away from the camera, as the interviewer over the face and neck.

Bend your hands on his knees sitting on them, or SO that gestures do not take away the focus of his words.

It is good to have notes to refer to, if necessary, but not by documents in the sample splitter. You can even tape notes on the computer screen or split the screen to hold information in a digital file. But not the prepared remarks read; You want so see prepared that it is not necessary to look at the evidence.

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