Buying outdoor gear, from hiking and camping gear to patio furniture , is a big investment. Not only is it time-consuming to research which products to buy , but it also requires proper cleaning and care to ensure your outdoor gear lasts as long as possible, or even a lifetime if done right.
Washing and repairing the gear you own is important to the longevity of your gear. It's also an essential part of a more sustainable outdoor lifestyle by keeping unnecessary waste out of landfill. We asked several gear washing and maintenance experts about how to properly clean your outdoor gear.
Their knowledge covers everything from when your gear is ready for a wash or makeover to products that will breathe new life into your outdoor gear with a good cleaning.
The briefcase for cleaning your outdoor gear
We shared tips for more sustainable ways to wash , e.g. B. making your own homemade detergents or buying detergents made with less harmful chemicals . The same applies to gear and equipment for outdoor activities. Anabelle McLean, founder and owner of Gear Washers , a Denver-based outdoor and technical gear restoration company, says taking care of your outdoor gear is really about caring for our planet. "I want to emphasize that it really needs to address why we should care about equipment maintenance," says McLean. "Why are we looking for something to wash instead of buying something new? Gear Washers is about this: That 's not really how we do it, that's why we do it."
Cleaning your soiled equipment and fixing damaged products instead of throwing them away play an important role in keeping products out of the waste stream . The EPA estimates that more than 17 million tons of textile waste ends up in landfills each year . Plastics, rubber and other non-biodegradable materials in our outdoor gear are not even considered.

"As consumers, especially in the United States, we're more concerned about our looks, fashion trends and color combinations than buying gear to keep for the long term," says McLean. "We need to change our mindset and not just have gear that looks great for a season or think we need to get rid of something because you spilled something on it."
With proper care and preventive maintenance, equipment can (and should) last year after year, or even a lifetime, say equipment cleaning experts. Geoffrey Allred, customer service manager at IDFL Laboratory and Institute , a global auditing, testing and accreditation laboratory for upholstery textiles, says that with proper care, products made from natural materials like down are some of the most durable pieces of equipment you will find. own.
"If you care for [your down jacket] properly, the down inside will outlast the fabric," says Allred. "Fabric will most likely fall apart and wear out quicker than down if you give it the proper care it needs. And if you then take proper care of the fabric, down jackets can theoretically be generational products.
So you know when to wash your gear
Can't you remember the last time, if ever, you washed your gear? Then it's probably time to give the down jacket in the closet or the sleeping bag in the basement a thorough cleaning. This way your gear will perform better and have the long life it deserves.
How often you wash and remove your waterproof and down outdoor gear really depends on how often you wear it. "I always say wash your gear based on how often you use it," says McLean. "If you camp every weekend in the summer, I recommend washing your sleeping bag at least once mid-season and definitely at the end of the season before storing it for the winter."
Other telltale signs of gear that needs washing are strong odors, visible dirt and grime, or oils that have built up on the surface of your jacket, sleeping bag, or clothing fabric. Haley Huggins, director of Rainy Pass Repair , an outdoor gear and apparel repair shop in Seattle, says oils and dirt visible on down jackets and sleeping bags ultimately affect performance.

"The most important thing to remember is to keep body oils off the outer fabric of a down jacket or sleeping bag, as this will wreak havoc on the feathers," says Huggins. "When you start seeing oil stains, when the fabric is greasy, or when you start to feel big lumps of down on your jacket or sleeping bag dividers, that's a sign that something needs to be done."
Once you notice this type of wear, Huggins recommends using a down wash to draw out oils, eliminate odors, and replenish the down. If you wait too long to wash your gear after lumps and oil have built up, Huggins says your gear can "reach a point of no return."
Normal use, as well as oil and dirt build-up on the jacket, outer shell, sleeping bag and waterproof material, all affect hydrophobic performance by wearing down the durable water repellent (DWR) treatment of the gear. DWR treatment is commonly used on waterproof or water-repellent gear and even on some down fills like DownTek . How long DWR treated garments will repel water depends on the intensity of use. The more you use your DWR treatment, the more often you need to repeat a waterproofing. In addition, repeated rubbing of a pack against a down jacket or coat, or abrasion against a rocky surface or forest foliage can also affect a piece of gear's DWR coating.
"Especially with waterproof gear, you can feel the water rising up on your shoulders where the rain would hit you," says Huggins. "If you feel like water isn't draining or draining or getting into the fabric, then you know it's time for a DWR treatment."

A lack of DWR or waterproofing treatment combined with the build-up of mud, sweat and road grime can add up to an even more disastrous recipe. "Dirt naturally attracts water. So if you have dirt or dirt stains in high-touch areas of your jacket, it automatically attracts more water," says McLean.
McLean recommends conducting a simple at-home waterproof test to determine if it's time to retreat your DWR-coated gear. "You can test the waterproofness of your jacket at home with a simple test: Spray some water on your jacket from a spray bottle," he explains. "If it starts to ooze or spread down the front of your coat, it's time to re-waterproof. If water collects on the surface of your jacket, the waterproofing of your jacket will last a little longer.
Choose a detergent or treatment product
One of the most important steps in washing your outdoor gear is choosing the right detergent. You don't want to make the mistake of choosing a standard detergent, but rather buy detergents or care products that have been specially developed for washing functional and outdoor clothing.
"When washing outdoor clothing, it's important to do the first wash with a technical detergent," says Huggins. She warns that using regular detergents like Tide or Gain is full of harsh chemicals that can cause problems with technical fabrics. "A lot of traditional cleaning products contain fragrances that will damage the fabric of your gear," he says. "At Rainy Pass Repair, we use Nikwax Tech Wash because it's a very mild, fragrance-free cleaning product that's specifically designed for technical teams."

McLean supports this view, arguing that detergents specifically for outdoor gear tend to be more environmentally friendly than the average household detergent. "Nikwax is wonderful because they have been making incredibly durable products for decades. Their products are PFC-free, VOC-free, water-based and biodegradable," adds McLean. "Choosing sustainable products to wash our gear is the best thing we can do when using a water-based washing system."
Most outdoor gear detergents can be added directly to the detergent drawer of your washing machine or hand cleaned with a stain remover. It is always important to follow the care instructions for your device and to carefully read the back of the device cleaning or treatment bottle to fully understand how to use the product on your device.
Nikwax Technical Cleaner

Nikwax's versatile technical wash helps revitalize the waterproofing and breathability of waterproof gear, from waterproof jackets and shells to pants and skiwear. Apply by hand or use in the washing machine to improve the performance of your waterproof and water-repellent gear and help you stay warm and dry.
Nikwax TX direct wash

A high-performance waterproofing agent that you can use to condition your outdoor gear by hand or in the washing machine. TX.Direct is a washable waterproofing for wet weather garments that repels water and revitalizes breathability without the need to tumble dry. This product is ideal for delicate fabrics, Gore-Tex, eVent, other waterproof fabrics, backpacks and gear that cannot be tumble dried.
Nikwax Down Wash direct

A technical gear cleaner designed to clean and condition regular and DWR treated down. Nikwax Down Wash Direct removes dirt, grime and body oils that build up over time. It also cleans insulation and restores DWR. This detergent should be used before treating your outdoor gear with an additional down treatment solution.
Nikwax down test

When the feathers in jackets and sleeping bags get wet, they lose their ability to retain heat and keep you warm. Nikwax's washable down solution is designed to treat both the shell and the down fill with DWR while maintaining the insulation and breathability of your jacket, sleeping bag or other gear.
Nikwax SolarProof tent and gear

Tent and Gear SolarProof is an easy to use UV blocking and waterproofing spray for synthetic tents, backpacks and patio furniture . SolarProof adds water repellency, increases the durability of synthetic fabrics and protects against deterioration from UV rays.
Granger's Power Cleaner

An all-purpose technical wash that promises to keep your gear clean and dry by removing debris and restoring water repellency. Granger's new concentrated formula gives you 12 washes instead of six, doubling the number of washes you get from the bottle.
Grangers Wash + Repel washing machine 2 in 1

This 2-in-1 wash saves you time and effort by cleaning your clothes while providing long-lasting water repellency to your gear. A versatile technical gear cleaner designed to keep your gear clean, breathable and dry without the hassle of multiple treatments.
Grangers Wash + Repel Down 2-in-1 wash

Same time-saving 2-in-1 quality as Grangers Wash + Repel Garment Wash, but specially formulated for down. In just one wash, you can freshen up sleeping bags, jackets or items of clothing made from natural or synthetic down with this down-friendly laundry.
Tips for washing your outdoor gear
After choosing the right detergent or conditioner, it's time to hand or machine wash your outdoor clothing. All outdoor gear can be hand washed, while others may benefit from a machine wash to clean and restore them to like-new condition (especially heavily soiled gear). When throwing your gear in the washing machine, try to keep the load small and avoid center agitators, as McLean says they can tangle or even destroy your gear.
"If you take proper care of [your gear], it can last a lifetime without detracting from the features and reasons you bought and paid for it," says Allred.
How to keep waterproof jackets clean
DWR-treated jackets or covers that need to be re-impregnated should be washed with a special impregnating technical detergent. You can buy a wash-off waterproofing like Nikwax TX.Direct Wash-In or a spray-on waterproofing like Nikwax TX.Direct Spray-On .

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"You always want your clothes to stay wet when you're applying a waterproof or DWR treatment," says Huggins. "After washing the garment with atechnical wash , put it back in the washing machine and run it through a cycle with a waterproof wash treatment, or you can use a spray treatment and let it air dry."
Be sure to check the inside and outside pockets of your jackets (raincoat, synthetic and down) to remove any items inside before washing and close them before washing. Also loosen the elastic cords around the hood or waist of the jacket.
How to keep synthetic jackets and clothing clean
Most synthetic jackets and garments can be treated with a standard technical wash such as Grangers Performance Wash , either by hand or in the washing machine. Please check the care label inside the jacket to ensure the fabrics used in the jacket are machine washable.
For synthetic gear with a waterproof or hydrophobic treatment like DWR, consider using a waterproofing product like Grangers Wash + Repel Clothing 2-in-1 Wash or Nikwax TX. Direct Wash-In for washing and refreshing the water repellency of the jacket or clothing. .
How to keep jackets clean
Never put more than two down jackets in a washing machine at a time. This will avoid uneven distribution of the detergent and prevent unwashed soaps or treatments from being left on the fabric and down.

- Related: The best down jackets, according to experts
If the care label allows, tumble dry on low according to the manufacturer's recommendations until the down separates at the kit's chambers. You can also separate the clumps of down before drying or during and after drying to restore the volume of the down and dry the jacket more efficiently. Down jackets may require multiple drying cycles to reach full fill and fully dry the down fill.
It is important to use an agitator such as a mixer during the drying cycle. B. some clean tennis balls or wool dryer balls. This helps the down fill return to its original fill power.
How to keep sleeping bags and duvets clean
Sleeping bags and duvets are best washed in an industrial washing machine or even in a tub. It's important to undo the elastics and fully close the sleeping bag so the edges of the sleeping bag don't get tangled in the washing machine. When washing sleeping bags or duvets, be sure to use a down-safe detergent such as Nikwax Down Wash Direct or a similar product.

- Related: The best sleeping bags, according to experts
For sleeping bags and duvets, follow the same tumble drying process as you do for your down jackets. Tumble dry according to manufacturer's care instructions and never tumble dry sleeping bags on high heat. As with down jackets, it is important to use wool dryer balls or other agitator to bulk up the down fill.
How to keep tents clean
The structural quality and waterproof protection of synthetic tent fabrics such as polyester and nylon can degrade over time due to exposure to UV rays, extreme weather and temperature conditions, and dehydration. By taking preventative measures throughout the life of your gazebo to replenish the impregnation and treat it with UV protection, your gazebo will not only perform better but also live much longer.
You can hand treat and wash your tents if dirt and mud are visible on the outside walls, rain or the tent floor. Or you can also coat your tent with a UV treatment like Nikwax's Tent and Gear SolarProof to increase the strength of the fabric and protect against UV damage.

- Related: The best tents, according to experts
"You can even UV treat a new gazebo as most gazebos on the market don't have UV protection ready to use," says McLean. "It will help maintain the strength of your business much longer than without it."
McLean advises that if people wash their own tents at home, rather than using a service like Gear Washers, they should hand clean and treat the tent. "Don't put it in the washing machine," McLean warns, since most tent fabrics are too fragile and machine washing risks tangling and tearing.
How to dry your gear outdoors
air dried
For material too delicate to put in the dryer, simply air dry in an air-conditioned room on a collapsible drying rack or hangers. Fine synthetics, ultralight taffetas and wool are items that require special care when drying and in most cases should be air dried rather than in an electric or steam dryer. Equipment that has been treated with a spray impregnation should also be air dried. After spraying the treatment on wet clothing and gear, allow those items to dry.
tumble dry
"Down-specific gear like jackets and sleeping bags needs to be machine dried," says McLean. "No amount of air drying will break up these fluffy clumps." Before throwing your down gear in the dryer, break up any clumps of down in the baffles. This will help fill the attic much easier and dry more efficiently.

Most outdoor gear should be dried on the lowest setting and/or on the gentle cycle of the dryer. And don't forget to use wool dryer balls or tennis balls to bulk up and fluff up your down clothing. "You also want plenty of turning space in your dryer; less is more," says Huggins. "And you definitely don't want to put too much gear in there because it will get tangled."
Always read the label for care instructions
Our experts also strongly recommend reading the care label before putting any outdoor gear in a dryer to ensure it's compatible and set to the right setting. However, Allred points out that most outdoor gear care labels refer to the outer fabric of the gear, not the inner padding.
"The tests that go into creating a care label are pretty rigorous, and the ones you see the most are tried-and-true," says Allred. "Because most outdoor gear and products are made from polyester, nylon, cotton, and other synthetic fabrics, most come with a simple care label with clear instructions." When reading the label, just be sure to check your gear padding to be taken into account, as their care can be different than the outer fabric.
Luckily, he says, it's not that complicated with down products. Allred simply recommends washing, drying and treating your natural fiber filled gear (aka goose and duck down) according to the care instructions for your technical washing product.
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