
How to clean a carpet fluff: Tips gurus carpet

One of my first purchases was a real adult Boucherouite Moroccan carpet. It is colorful and furry and I like, although each time the vacuum (which, the amount of crumbs in my house very often given) I feel that I can even understand not completely clean.

If dirt enters a knob, normal traffic grinds against dirt and damage the carpet fibers. More rooms of dirt on the carpet, put more into the dough, do more damage over time.

its kind by investing in a single dust, it should be kept under optimal conditions is a priority, so I turned to the experts to find out how to clean a powder.

Cleaning powder: The traditional method

My first stop was the blog Anu , a website that allows collective Moroccan artisans to sell their products directly to consumers; It is also the place where I bought my carpet. Tips blogs, people who made these rugs and is used for centuries was to take the carpet, dusting, washing in the river and on a bush to dry. Unfortunately, my backyard is short in rivers and bushes. But Plan B for city dwellers in the blog is to shake the carpet at least once a week, washed with an empty canister vacuum in the center, and gets it professionally for several years.

Boucherouite traditional carpet
Boucherouite traditional carpet


Challenges significance and deep cleaning lint

For more details, I spoke with Lisa Wagner, also known as Mat chicks specialist certified carpet.

"Fluff one of the hardest band is clean and to be to maintain," he said. "Those of us who remember installed long hair carpets in homes in the 1970s can also remind you why soon fell out of favor."

Fluff is nice and fun, he said, but almost impossible to keep clean.

"In our factory carpet cleaning that charge many times more to clean lint cleaned per square foot carpet much more valuable silk," says Wagner. "This is because there are many additional manual work is required to try that will cleanse be incorporated into the fibers of the carpet."

According to Wagner, how to clean your Flokati depends on what material is made your carpet.


Will shag rugs come in a variety of styles, sheepskin shag looking great, long, thick hair soft and silky noodle fiber. One thing to consider is the way in which the fibers are bonded to the support. If they are easy to remove, should be especially sweet. Some carpets can be cleaned with a canister vacuum cleaner attachment or upholstery. Test on a small area to ensure that no streaks output fibers then go through the pipe line, possible to delete the support in the best way.

Wagner will give your shag propose to regularly recommend. Take the outdoor carpet, turn around, and turn the carpet and solve down dirt. Then you can help a dry vacuum liquids or a leaf blower to remove the parts of things strands. Rugs can peppered dry without heat. Flokati mats can be combed with a large dog toothbrush, to keep them soft and clean.

Ultimately, however, you will have your carpet professionally washed hair. It's too thick and heavy for most people clean their own. They want to take up to 30 months every 18 to 24 months vacuumed or if they are vigilant about removing dirt. As expected, it will be expensive.

"If the price of cleaning more than the price of the carpet," she said, "can you plan every two years a new just now."


cheaper fluff is likely to be in acrylic, but beware, they are a great risk of fire. Wagner saw two examples of acrylic fluff and quickly ignite into flames.

"I did not even leave my house," he said. The disadvantages of a wool carpet (expensive to maintain), compared to a (highly flammable) acrylic opaque even compared. If you have an acrylic carpet, do yourself a favor and replace.

Rayon, nylon, polyester and

These synthetic fibers may be treated in the same way as wool, as long as care is taken not to leave. Dust shaking the carpet with a cleaning tank vacuum or upholstery and, as often as possible. The good news about this type of carpet that can be cleaned with steam, so the cost has washed by professionally not be so high.

leather belts

Leather carpets are very difficult to clean and, frankly, it is not practical for anyone with children or pets. Cotton tank absorb spills and are very difficult to clean and leather loses to wear his ease. To clean your own, Wagner said, you can try a leather cleaner at home, but a professional cleaning is probably the best choice.

Ultimately, a powder, has a fairly expensive decoration on the ground. If you are not ready, time and spend money to properly clean your carpet (or every few years replaced), it's probably in your best interest to wait until the end of this trend.

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