
Wash dusty road: Tips and Tricks to clean a backpack

After sufficient time at the starting point - or a few simple movements around the city - a backpack, it naturally brings a lot of mud. Like any team outside of the backpack you also keeps you must have a thorough cleaning once in full and extend the life of the pack. That is, a simple cleaning every few months should do it. Here are some tips for your backpack clean.

Although some people recommend washing your bag, we prefer to wash a good old-fashioned hand to prevent unnecessary wear. You also want to check the label inside the pocket of the manufacturer to determine washing instructions. For example, some materials can not be washed at higher temperatures. If you are not familiar with these strange symbols, you can read more about it here .

A basic spring cleaning

For this task you need a sponge, soap and some water. Before you begin, you need to empty her pockets, not to damage the valuables remaining inside. Then each subject Package decompress it in reverse set and give a few shakes to solve it and expel waste.

Sponge soaked in a mixture of soap and remove internal pockets and compartments. Then you should make the outside of the bag. For denser materials, it may need a toothbrush instead of a sponge to use. Once completed, the dirty now squeezing sponge and rinse the bag with a damp sponge and fresh.

A more complete wash

If it's been a while since you have cleaned your backpack - or who just finished a great trip to disorder - your pocket may require more stringent cleaning session. This process begins in the same way as the previous method. First, to empty the bag and give it a few shakes to loosen and expel waste. This alone may not be enough distance to sift materials incorporated. We encourage you to consult a vacuum connection and basic bag to remove these items.

If the backpack allows you to decouple the belt and braces, so now does. Cleaning these items individually will allow for better cleanup. If the bag has a metal frame, to remove you. Now take a bucket of hot water (may also be used a sink or bathtub for this step) and then a non-soap detergent, wherein immersing the bag and give some corrugations to make soap and all the compartments covered surfaces. With a sponge and / or a brush for washing or drying stains sediment. Remember to be gentle brushes or brush the most sensitive materials.

Now take the dirty water and fill the bucket (sink / bath) with clear water, and rinse the bag. It may take a couple of sauces all the soap rinsed off properly from the previous step. Do not machine dry bag at this point. Using forceps or hook, wherein the packaging completely dry airbag can leave save prematurely cause mold growth and odor.

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