
House Cleaning, Fibro-road

balanced conclusion
My house was a mess. Normally clean the whole place every Friday night. My husband works the graveyard shift, it was the perfect time - until we as bought a house twice as large. One bathroom has become three. An unfinished basement has a finished lower level with bar and lounge is. I loved the new house - until I had to clean up.

Shortly after we arrived, my Fibro went in animal mode. In a period of three months I was fired, my mother died and my grief, alcoholic father needs my help for your finances and from the sauce. It is not an easy task, especially in the central idea of ​​life.

My husband was wonderful. He only asked that I always on clothing, food and litter. But it was still difficult to handle even these three simple questions. I was embarrassed the messy and dirty way was home. If someone suddenly stopped, I could not let them inside!

I had easier to clean my house. For that I had to look at what were the biggest problems that can change. I can not change Fibro, I had to find a way to work with or around my symptoms. The top of the list was the chemical smell of cleaning. I sicken me. My sensitivity to certain smells had increased in recent years. I had to go with natural cleaning products, sweet smell.

I surfed the internet for ideas and found Castile soap. This is the best discovery I made. This product is amazing. It is with natural oils, greases clean like a professional made.

I use it for everything from kitchen countertops and showers and floors. It can purify people also be used. I use it as a shower gel and makes me feel squeaky clean. Remember that it is very concentrated, do not need much. You can find or soap in most cooperatives large retailers (where you can even their bottles several times fill).

It was the task more difficult spends household vacuum for me. But called with three cats suck frequently. Now I'm trying to do on a weekend rather than trying to do it in one day. If the whole house in one day dust, I run the risk of an outbreak. If necessary, I ask my husband, the vacuum cleaner upstairs or bring down the stairs.

Another problem was carried out with the disorder. One of the biggest weaknesses is the kitchen table. It was the catchall for each role. Electronic forms, pay stubs, receipts ... whatever's on my table! If I put it there, I'll forget. If I did have with him not to read time, or bypass, it happens a lot where I notice that I will later think. Required to organize. My husband came to keep up with the idea of ​​using baskets or plastic containers to the odds and ends together. When someone quits unexpectedly, I can quickly hide.

keeping three clean bathrooms was a major stressor. No need to use the three showers and tubs, but we use all the toilets. I found a solution to help keep clean: toilets bombs. Drop one in each toilet once a week (or if someone is) and if the brightness is, is the container a brush and quick rinse. You leave the toilet and smelling clean and fresh look. I do, but you can buy online. Once a month I give all the toilet a good cleaning with borax.

use to worry about the little things and these tips to keep me healthy. I feel less stressed when people now call, but please do not take this as an invitation, not invited to step down. Thanks again for a call or a text first. I FIBRO my thanks for your attention.


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