
Vernon County Health Department offers tips for coping with floods

The Ministry of Health urges residents Vernon County, which experienced the recent floods to take precautions to protect their health.

The Ministry of Health recommends that if you do not drink the water its own well, which were submerged by the water. Wait until the water recedes, disinfect well, taste good bacteria.

(. BB highway): 30 and other affected places in Vernon County Sample kits can by the Health Department Vernon County 318 Fairlane Drive, Viroqua, Monday to Friday, will receive 8.30 to 16. When samples come back for those with dangerous levels of bacteria, it is advisable that are healthy and resample disinfected again. For information on how to sample and good disinfectant to perform can get from the website of the Ministry of Natural Resources: http://dnr.wi.gov/org/water/dwg/flood.htm .

Here are some additional tips for homeowners in the cleaning and repair of flood damaged houses:

  • Carpets, drywall and other building materials affected by flooding, in most cases, should be removed and disposed of. Cann all essential poruous dired n should be discarded 48 hours.
  • A 20-page booklet and a poster (in Spanish and English) are sure to clean by EPA available online that gives simple instructions for home after a flood. It is http://www.epa.gov/iaq/flood/index.html
  • Do not rush to replace drywall and carpet. The house must be thoroughly dried before installing new materials.
  • With dehumidifiers and fans this process to accelerate. In warm weather, open the windows for further ventilation and drying of basements to facilitate, basements and living rooms.
  • The walls must dry normally for several days and plants can take several weeks. It may be wise to remove the soil moist.
  • If you use a portable generator, keep it off and away from the building. The exhaust gases or fumes from a portable generator could kill within a few minutes if you breathe.
  • Remember to protect yourself while cleaning. Wear shoes, eye protection and hand, and if working with mold, respiratory protection.
  • If you are not sure if you have your last tetanus vaccination against contact with the health department Vernon County at (608) 637-5251.

Do not swim in flood waters, the flood waters dangerous currents or disease can have causes. Water also increases the risk of electric shock or other injury such as physical risks may be hidden.

If you have questions or concerns about flood issues, the health department contact at 608-637-5251.

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