
A clean home is a happy home: 5 House: Cleaning Tips

Home When it comes to cleaning, nobody wants to take all day. Have a plan and some simple tips can make the difference. Consider the following tips to clean quickly and efficiently.


If you expect the room to start and the steps taken for each room, cleaning time will be faster and perhaps more. Try to set a time limit for each room. One suggestion would be; Kitchen (20 min), living room (10 min) bedroom (9 min) and bathroom (10 min). Ensure the work on the first, that it is not exhausted by the time we do the hard parts of the bathroom. Consider drag their detergent in a plastic basket with a pillow case filled to wash clothes. Try a couple of shopping bags to fill gaps in the trash, you can pick up. Let the machine pick up and drop from any space at a later date.


To keep clean and start the dishes a newly disinfected work area. For odors you try a teaspoon in an open, to keep the smell at bay container. Try to clean it with vinegar your countertop area, refrigerator and food preparation. It is not only safe to use, but it works better than many harmful cleaning products.


Make your own bathroom with the items you have cleaned your medicine and kitchen cabinets. A simple recipe for cement tiles: 1 teaspoon rubbing alcohol, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and ¼ cup of vinegar. To use mixing in a plastic container and a toothbrush to clean the grout. It also works well for cleaning the sink, tub and toilet.


One way to smell your bed is to keep them fresh, put fabric softener sheets in the pillowcase. The vacuum cleaner on the mattress to remove dead skin cells and dust and other dirt. In order to keep close to the dust-free room, vacuuming curtains and blinds at least once a month. Did you know that olive oil is a great, natural furniture polish? Use a teaspoon of olive oil on a white towel cloth dust and polish your furniture. Vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent for television screens and clean. Put in a spray bottle to clean, mixed ribbed vinegar with a little water - dirty windows. It is recommended that you wash the sheets at least once a week. Use to be clean and fresh the settings to the highest temperature.

Living room

Sometimes it can feel like a messy room, is really just a room full of people. When not needed, or store garbage. The carpet can be cleaned with the above recipe "hardboard." Just follow the recipe and with a white cloth towel, blot the stained area, then scrub. Rinse with a spray bottle of water.

You can also keep the room smelling fresh, without candles and sprays; Web application leaves! Place one sheet in each tissue ventilation. Your room will smell fresh for at least a week. Change as needed.

At home. The air quality?

Your quality of air in your home can be a great source of concern. With normal activities in our house, we generate a lot of pollutants and impurities. The dust, dander and chemicals pollute the air we breathe. The impurities are carried our HVAC system and is then recycled to 7 times per day, on average. Over a period of time, thereby the circulated contaminant build-up in the channel system.

Although contaminated HVAC system does not always mean that the impure air, the air can contribute to major health problems. The potential impure air contaminants that could cause serious problems harbor. People with respiratory diseases or autoimmune diseases may be affected by the polluted air. Maintenance of your air conditioner with the help of Romaniuk Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd is as important as washing the dishes before eating.

In general, the use of these simple tips is to your house to handle kept clean and safe to breathe. Cleaning is easy with a simple design.


meganpic Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who spends time with his family enjoys. It also benefits from the fact that outdoor and new opportunities that may arise, and the search for new products to expand their horizons. Often you will find it in a good book buried or looking for an adventure.

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