
Expert carpet cleaners Maintenance Tips

Maintenance of the carpet is one of the most difficult and delicate tasks in the household. Each carpet needs care and attention, so that it remains in good condition. The thing is, but is very easy to ruin a carpet, and you must be extremely careful, for equipment and cleaning agents that he / she uses.

The Internet is full of cleaning tips, techniques, recipes for homemade cleaning solutions and many other nonsense about the cleanliness. Most of these products are not rely on waste. This position will be different because I, instead of giving his advice intend to say that these tips and methods of work.

One of the most important tips for carpet cleaning will not get with the shoes inside. Not only their soles damage the fibers of the carpet, but also bring a lot of dirt and bacteria. On rainy days, when introduced with her shoes, the carpet of mud and sand. These dust particles also damage your floor cloth. Instead of going with your shoes, they should wear slippers inside. are feet above the ground, and foot coverings isolated outdoors, but do not damage your carpet.

Another good tip to follow is to put a doormat at the door of his house. Thus, the amount of dirt in your carpet will be further reduced because clean shoes before entering the room.

Regular vacuuming is a must. Experts recommend suck at least three times a week. It is also good to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, as it keeps better than other devices inside dirt.

Regular cleaning of the filters of air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers and channeling is very important to keep the carpet. Most of these filters are clogged with dust, no dust blowing device in the air. And the dust in the air, the dust absorbs your carpet. This can lead to serious health problems such as allergies, asthma and rhinitis.

Removing chewing gum is a delicate task, as you probably know. The gum is sticky and difficult to remove, especially if you do not know how to treat it. All to remove these ideas it with peanut butter, ice and a hair dryer do not work. But it is a very simple technique with an iron and a piece of brown paper. Cover the stain with paper and board with a hot iron. All transfers to be perfect again of substances in the paper and your floor.

Deodorization should not be carried out with commercially available products. It may contain sodium or corn starch are used on the target bicarbonate. Cover the entire rug with these products and leave overnight. The next day, use / remove your vacuum bicarbonate cornstarch and smell disappear. Please note that your floor should not have any sign of moisture in it, if this natural air freshener apply.

And one last tip - if you are not sure it makes a carpet problem, not to try because it could ruin your carpet. Pick - up the phone and call some - some professional experts - Carpet Cleaning in Maida Vale . the floor is clean and you will be happy again.

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1 commentaire:

  1. Indeed a delicate process maintenance of carpet. It needs proper care and attention for its god life.
