
simple tips carpets keep clean carpet

By: IANS | New - Delhi | Updated 28th June 2016 19:30
Wet carpet can lead to mold growth. Wet carpet can lead to mold growth (Source: Flickr / handmadewithjoy.etsy.com).

Immediately increase the carpet means a house. Clean stains, moisture to stay away from them and store them and keep your carpet clean and sustainable, says an expert.

Mithilesh Kumar, a technical expert and president of Obeetee, handmade carpet company does, how actions:

* Aspiration: vacuum frequently helps the carpet to keep clean Loop - carpets are sensitive and should suck Brushless.. Do not shoot, when a cowardly son come to the surface, cut with scissors.

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* Cleaning Stains: If you or spill fall, absorb immediately with a quencher. Press the top of the sides for maximum and minimum absorption removed from the stack. Clean the remaining places where appropriate, the use of solvents or spirit. For stubborn stains, try white vinegar to the water as well.

* Washing: Do not attempt to wash at home Contact Senior thereof..

* Avoid dust, dirt and moisture: to mold wet carpet wet wool growth leading begins rot and a bad smell produce .. If moisture is suspected, dry the carpet in the sun or the required airflow.

* Storage: Store in a dry, well - ventilated place store. Do not turn your carpet; keep rolling
with some bags to absorb silica residual moisture.

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