
It is time to clean the cobwebs and dirt; Mom & # 39; s best how-to tips

The windows have a layer of dirt on them so the sun obscured. The front porch is always full of dead leaves. The linen closet has to guess which made set of sheets that the bed of the sink cabinet has many rolls of toilet paper, fill the trash.

If any of these happen to side you might be a good spring cleaning is in order. I'm not talking about the typical weekly tasks. I'm talking about one of the darkest, deepest corners of your home are, and everything to make something less ... fear.

Like a mighty leap, which is, you need to do and should not do for themselves. It should be a family affair. It was the family that created the mess, after all. Does the whole family helps undo everything.

Growing up, she told me jokingly that children had to do everything he hated doing the tasks as a child. Then I grew up and I realized that it was this logic as much validity. They do not believe it did not have before, when I decided to have three. There was no doubt. Yes, the defense of the territory was hard enough when they were younger, even for long-time fan of basketball Syracuse. But now that they're older, it's time to reap the rewards.


Delegate. Embraces. Do it. Households with children can pull something like teeth sometimes. Yes, it is often easier and quicker to do it yourself. But that means that you do not delegate. This also means that the children do not learn valuable lessons about responsibility and teamwork, not to mention respect for you and all the work that you bring into your house into a home.

To avoid being distracted, you create a list. This puts the amount of time that will take await for each activity.

Give some freedom children decide their own destiny and not to assign specific tasks, unless you have to.

Ask them to give to choose a range of activities on your list and assigned them a lot of time for its completion. Depending on the difficulty, this can be an afternoon or a weekend. Anyway, stick to it. For younger children, you should with them in the same room, they work to keep on task.

You can promote things to give them a reward at the end. Or you can go the way tend to keep things going until the job is done. For example, no use of electronics until things not only ready, but checked and, a sign of official assessment of the parents, things did right.

Let's start our list.

clean windows

Glass is crucial, but also the window frames and seals around each. Place paper towels and opt for an old Democrat and Chronicle newspaper that his cleaner. It does not stay behind fibers like doing paper towel. Take a towel and a bucket of hot water to clean glass of water. Sprinkle Add essential oils a little baking soda in your bucket, a few drops of your favorite and have the kids clean the windowsills and trim.

basin cabinets

We have the closet children last week away in the bathroom. It was the first time that I actually check probably two years before the gates. Yes, two years.

I found old bath toys, sponges tools, such as not clean stack of rolls of toilet paper and empty containers of shampoo that never made it into the trash. It was embarrasing. Do not be like me!

Ask the children to recycle everything that is acceptable. Ask them to go in plastic bags and load them into the trash for solids removal easier later. Fill a bucket with sodium bicarbonate or a cleaning solution and rub the bottom of the case itself. If storage is a problem invests to keep things easier in a plastic tray.

Porches and decks

Clean the mess in the first place. bring to shovel snow and remove all the Christmas decorations that can still be adorning the shelves. It's time. Enter the area a good clean sweep. Then take a pressure washer or hose. Help children to clean the walls and floor, wash all the dirt, insects and dirt that has been set.

to clean other things

Be sure to assign tasks, age-appropriate and support are ensured when needed while is safe. Your children can:

  • clean baseboards. Once they are clean, run a dry leaf on them. This helps dust.
  • Clear the cobwebs. Dampen an old shirt and connect it with a broom. Let the children at corners of the ceiling and lights.
  • clean ceiling fans. Take a damp cloth and wipe the fan blades.
  • Clean the grout. Use a toothbrush, and a paste of sodium bicarbonate and water.
  • Lamps clean screens. Open safe removal of the lamps and to shake the vacuum cleaning.
  • Clean the microwave. With lemon water and heated to disinfect it easier to clean.
  • Delete through your pantry and cabinets. rid of expired food or containers are used.
  • Disinfect all door handles and switches.
  • Water and disinfect all garbage.
  • Air pressure and discharges the drying air.
  • Decrumb toaster.
  • Turn the mattress.

Parenting columnist Jamie Buss children is a mother of three children. You can connect to it facebook.com/ROCparenting or e - mail ROCparenting@gmail.com .

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