
Spring cleaning: Empty your messy closet

Grand Rapids, Michigan. - Spring is here and it's time to get rid of clutter and clean out your closet.

Just a few weeks Shelia Holz Gunneson of "That's done," showed us some tips on how to organize different places in our homes - he came to us again to share some tips on spring cleaning.

You take first in each cabinet to recommend anything. This is your chance to change the light bulb, give it a coat of paint and washing. Then all divided into three groups, hold, donations, and waste.

Once you have decided, in the closet, which goes back, you can know where you are going.

The decision on a type of suspension, and stick to it. There are all kinds of types and can be disorganized if you have too many different colors or suspended solids.

Use vertical space of hangers hang together. You can hang skirts or several tanks together when the hooks are suspended vertically rather than side to side.

In addition there are organizers that can add another bar to give extra space suspended. just past the bar current wardrobe and viola, you two!

Sheila also recommends the use of clear plastic drawers for your shoes so that you can see, but they are not on the closet floor.

You can Sheila website by viewing this link . They are also a contact shegunneson@att.net or 616-901-5235.

Be sure to check previous successful disaster segments, including the organization of files Home - Office , day care of a baby , the guard - room , the kitchen and the guard - robe .

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Mackenzie Thaden is a producer WZZM 13 have a new extended? Write - we news@wzzm13.com or visit our Facebook - page or Twitter .

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