
Best Teeth - advice

strawberries lib Strawberries independent newspapers can improve the appearance of your smile. Studies have shown that they have a soft effect for teeth whitening. Photo: David Ritchie

London - Caring for your teeth is not only to preserve your smile. Increasingly, the evidence suggests that it is vital for all aspects of health, too.

Recent research published in the journal Immunity proposed a type of bacteria that causes gum disease can make it more susceptible to cancer.

Researchers have found that bacteria associated parts of the responsible for the attack on the cancer cells by interfering with its protective immune cells.

The bad news is that has up to 47 percent of the population of moderate to severe disease of the gums, according to the Health Survey of Dental adults. The good news is that there are simple tips to protect your teeth. We spoke with dental hygienists, to discover the tricks they use themselves ...

Snack on CHEESE, no fruit

Do you have a piece of fruit in the morning could be a good habit, but snacking, especially sweet foods can destroy the teeth.

Bacteria feed on sugar tooth surface, the acid, the tooth enamel and minerals such as calcium can weaken exhaust what to produce cavities. Body's natural defense against it is the saliva, which neutralizes the pH in the mouth, remineralize the tooth after dinner - a process that takes about 40 minutes.

"Constant Pasto not give the body a chance to repair the damage," says Michaela O'Neill, president of the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy.

Even a cup of tea per hour could be harmful if sugar is added.

"Stick to three or four meals a day and keep your sugar intake for meals to reduce the number of acid attacks, he said.

If you need a break, fatty foods are not as harmful to the teeth than the sweet, so choose instead of hummus, nuts or cheese. In fact, cheese increases saliva neutralizes the acid, O'Neill said. Avoid hard candies - suction means your teeth are in an acid bath - and refreshments. If you have a drink with a straw, so that citric acid has no direct contact with the teeth.


Use unveiled several times a week tablets to test how to brush your teeth, dental hygienist says Claire O'Grady, London Smile Dental Group.

These are chewable tablets that appear plaque - a sticky, transparent film of bacteria - in a splash of color on the teeth after cleaning, to show where your brushing and flossing lost.

The idea is that the teeth and then brush again to clean areas that still have the plate.

If plaque forms more than two weeks, the inflamed gums may be irritated and bleed, and over time, tooth decay and gum disease can cause O'Grady said.

Disclosure tablets are used in dental practices, pharmacies and some supermarkets.

After cleaning, rinse

Many of us rinse your mouth with water after brushing, but in fact can lead to tooth decay, says O'Neill, who is also a practicing hygienist in Belfast.

"The starting point with a fluoride toothpaste to waste sitting on the surface of the teeth to leave, fluoride said. Reinforces the tooth surface, so it is more resistant to acidic food.

"Brush until clean, then spit out the toothpaste and the rest in the teeth instead of rinsing with water, O'Neill said.

STRAWBERRIES teeth whitening SE

Strawberries can improve the appearance of your smile. Studies have shown that they have a slight bleaching effect for the teeth, O'Grady said.

They contain malic acid, which was found by the compression teeth stains. Keep them with meals, but do not indulge such as tips, eating fruit (see above) remains valid. But beware of eating too dark fruits like blueberries and cherries as these, as well as beverages such as tea, coffee and red wine can stain teeth.

Floss daily to remove bacteria

Everyone should floss or interdental brushes between the teeth once a day - not only to clean the remains, but the bacteria that cause dental disease rid of them.

"Bacteria are microscopic and can enter any room, says O'Neill. Flossing helps to disrupt biofilm (slimy mass of bacteria).

Not brush for an hour after WINE

People often drink their teeth after red wine to prevent stains to brush immediately, but can be harmful, says Christina Chatfield, a medical officer and spa owners dental health spokesman for the British Dental Health Foundation and Brighton.

"The wine is sour, causes the enamel to soften and brushes are all weakened in this state may be said.

Instead, wait an hour before brushing. For the same reason, it is best to brush before - not after - room, including breakfast.

"If you do not brush before breakfast, then the bacteria on the teeth that were not removed by brushing foods react with sugars to produce acid and solve teeth.

"People think that brushing and cleaning to remove food residues, but this is to reduce bacteria."

The most important is to brush your teeth before going to bed. "When it. A high level of bacteria in the mouth, and then you can multiply all night"

. ..and Not apply strong pressure

Brush in the wrong direction can cause more harm than good.

"Many people have gum disease and tooth rub hard, mistakenly think it is the best way to clean them, says O'Neill.

Receding gums can cause teeth become sensitive because the nerves are exposed, so long and ugly.

She says that it is important to clean the gums, without overdoing it. "Even in electric toothbrushes, you can brush too hard."

People also brush back and forth, the evil that the tooth enamel and gums instead of using a gentle circular all the teeth and gums can help achieve movement.

You need a toothbrush with a medium-hard head at an angle of 45 degrees, which use to fulfill the teeth and gums, O'Grady said. This angle follows to avoid damaging the rubber as the contour of the gum.

HOW stop getting old

People tend to think that the more teeth research is an inevitable part of the aging process - but this is often due to chronic gum disease.

Here, the plaque builds up in the mouth over time, and the body reacts lose some teeth to the bone, so it does not. In direct contact with the bacteria As the bone disappear, but shrinks back rubber, so that the tooth appears.

Bone loss can affect anyone, but is most common in older people, and can cause the teeth loosen and fall, O'Neill said.

"People do not want to believe that happens until their teeth start to feel loose. - And then it is too late"

Gum disease is brought to many health problems, such as heart disease and respiratory disease in conjunction so that the cleaning of the teeth can prevent them properly.

Why Diabetics should be especially careful

Recent research shows that diabetes and gum disease are strongly related. So if you have diabetes, you should be very careful with the dental health.

Diabetic patients are more likely to gum disease, which in turn can increase blood sugar and diabetes complications develop. Those who are particularly vulnerable to uncontrolled diabetes.

"People with diabetes should consult regularly hygienist says O'Neill.

Yes, you should brush your tongue

Clean all the mouth - including language, O'Grady said.

"Not cleaning the tongue can a film of plaque formation in, which can lead to bad breath and gum disease because it is home to cause more bacteria."

You can clean the tongue with a toothbrush or a tongue scraper in particular - but do not be too rough.

"Making With aggressive to the surface of the tongue. Only slight dusting off film.

O'Grady added that the toothpaste is not necessary in the language as it is to kill bacteria.

Bleeding gums? Being pregnant

In addition to dental health hygienist can identify what goes looking in the mouth in other parts of the body.

Suggest bleeding gums that react to the plate in the mouth, for example - often hormones and can occur during pregnancy. In rare cases, prior to bleeding gums leukemia, or liver disease.

In the meantime, mouth sores can be a sign of iron deficiency and vitamin B, while the dry mouth can be a side effect of a drug.

PS: wipe can be useful

Clean your teeth with your finger, if you forget your toothbrush? A better option is to use put on the finger a clean cloth - ideally with toothpaste on it says O'Neill.

"A fabric face has a rougher surface than the finger, so that aids in the removal of plaque that is sticky. '

If I get stuck, should be without toothpaste, mouthwash with fluoride, some bacteria, but not physically remove plaque.

Daily Mail

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