
Brush your dog?

Dog Grooming Tips

Have you ever seen your dog roll on the floor, licking or chewing his mantle of the skin? These are the ways to keep clean. However, sometimes you need a little help to look and feel their best. But do not worry, we are here to help. Read on for ways to keep the skin, skin, nails, teeth, ears and paws of your dog clean and healthy.

Bathe your dog

The ASPCA recommends bathing your dog at least once every three months, but some may require more frequent bathing if he or she spends a lot of time outdoors or skin problems. Here are some steps to get started.

  1. First, you give your pet a good brushing to remove any dead hair and mats, and then put it in a tub or sink was full of about three to four inches of warm water.
  2. Then wet unbreakable thoroughly with a spray hose, large glass or plastic your pet.
  3. Ensure sprinkle or pour water directly into the ears, eyes or nose.
  4. Rub the shampoo, working from head to tail, and rinse and repeat if necessary.
  5. Dry with care to your pet a good wash with a big towel. Voila, own pet!

Dogs with skin or facial wrinkles, such as pugs free Shar Pei and need special attention. To cause clean with a damp cotton folds to avoid dirt and bacteria, which cause irritation and infections. The areas between the folds always dry thoroughly.

Baden a puppy
Some puppies think that bath time is a good time to be ridiculous! Especially puppies move and jump all over the place, and tend to stifle bath time. If this sounds like your pet, put a toy swims in the bathtub at her so she can that instead of you to concentrate in your mouth.

Choose a shampoo
Formulated with the aid of a pet shampoo is best. Human shampoos are non-toxic to pets, but some are perfumes or other substances that can irritate the skin of your animal, contain. Select a product specially formulated for the animals, such as certain ingredients that can be dangerous if they applied to various kinds of animal species. It is always wise to keep your pet speak vet that you choose a shampoo that meets the needs of your pet to make sure.

Protect the eyes and ears of your dog bath time
From shampoos and soaps major irritants can be, ask your veterinarian for a sterile eye lubricant use during the bath, this will help protect your eyes pet shampoo. You can also use a spray or shower with a long hose, allowing you to control the flow of water to wash. Avoid washing the head of the animal with a damp cloth to gently remove dirt and debris from the face.

Protect your pet's ears as by. A cotton ball in each ear to the end of the bath

Brush your dog

Preparation with a brush or comb is regularly help your pet's hair in good condition by removing dirt, spread natural oils throughout the coat and prevents tangling and have without irritating their own skin. Moreover, the preparation time is a good time to fleas and flea dirt these little black dots that indicate that your pet is to check a family of chips of the organization.

The way you brush your pet and how many are largely on the kind of cloak.

, Jackets smoothing
If your dog has a soft short coat (like a Chihuahua or Basset Hound Boxer), brushed only once a week. Use a rubber brush to loosen and follow with a brush to remove dead hairs and dead skin debris. Polish your low maintenance dog with a chamois and is ready to shine!

In short, tight skin
If your dog has a short, dense coat, which is prone to matting, as Retriever, brushing once a week is fine. Use a slicker brush to remove tangles and to catch loose hair with a brush. Do not forget to comb your tail!

Long silky coats
If your dog has a long coat require luxury, like a Yorkshire terrier daily attention. Every day to remove tangles with a slicker brush. Then brush the coat with a brush. If you have a long-haired dog with a coat like a collie or an Afghan, follow the steps above, but also to make sure that comb through the skin and cut the hair around the feet.

Long Hair is often entangled
For long-haired dogs, it's a good idea to have a routine daily care, to remove tangles and prevent matting to establish. Gently tease tangles with a more polished and brush your pet with a bristle brush brush. If mat is particularly dense, you can try cutting hair, taking care not to approach to the skin.


Although the old or damaged hair loss is a normal process that dogs, the amount and frequency of shedding hair often depends on your health, the type of race and the season. Many dogs develop thick coats in the winter, which is then paid in the spring. Dogs are always kept inside, but they are, with minor variations in the layer thickness and tend to lose quite evenly throughout the year.

Measures to minimize loss
Even if you do not hold a normal healthy dog ​​loss, you can reduce the amount of hair at home by brushing your dog regularly. Ask your vet recommended or groomer, a particular type of brush or comb works best for your hair type dog.

Excessive hair loss
Excretion is a normal process for animals. Excessive secretion can be avoided with good nutrition. Pet food manufacturer Quality work hard to include the right amount of nutrients, dietary supplements are not required, but are animals with allergies or sensitivities may need to experiment with different brands to find out what foods work best for them.

However, patches of baldness or hair loss be too large because of the following:

  • Parasites (fleas, lice or mites)
  • Fungal or bacterial infections
  • Inhalant- allergies or food industry
  • Kidney, liver, thyroid or adrenal disease (including Cushing's syndrome)
  • pregnancy and breast feeding period
  • Some medications
  • Lick The self-induced trauma due
  • Cancer
  • Immune system
  • Sunburn
  • Contact with an irritant or corrosive

If you notice any of these conditions, ask your veterinarian for treatment.

  • Skin irritation including redness, swelling, rash, or scabs
  • Open wounds of any kind
  • Bald or thinning of the layer
  • Dull, dry hair that is easily removed
  • Scratch
  • Licking feet or face constant contact

Skin Problems

The skin of your dog is an indication of your health, so it is important to keep in top form. If a skin problem, your dog may react by excessive scratching, chewing and / or licking. A variety of causes, including external parasites, infections, allergies, metabolic disorders and stress, or a combination of them may be the cause.

First, check the ears and teeth of your pet, as they often cause the source of the bacteria that pet odors. Only we will keep your dog clean by bathing regularly, perhaps the only thing you need to stop the smell.

Probably for dogs his perfume of interest to the most poisonous animals when used according to the directions on the label. However, dogs with skin allergies can cause skin irritation and develop people with nasal allergies may be affected by the smell. To use dog colony, only given as directed and consult with a veterinarian if the animal has a history of allergies.

  • If your dog shows preparation of sterile and constantly smells stinky, please consult your veterinarian to check for a cause or an infection.

Other Skin Problems

  • Scratching, licking or chewing on the skin
  • Scab
  • Redness or swelling
  • Hot spots (a certain area in which the intense itching)
  • , Round scaly patches on the face and legs
  • Dry, scaly or otherwise irritated skin path
  • Hair loss, bald spots
  • Eruptions
  • Lesions
  • Blood or pus drainage
  • Swelling, lumps or skin discoloration
  • Rubbing his face against furniture or carpets

Causes of skin problems
One of the following may be the cause of an abnormality in your dog's skin and should be examined by a veterinarian.

  • Fleas Bites. And droppings of these pesky insects can irritate your dog's skin, and some animals may have an allergic reaction to the saliva by a bite. Some dogs may be sensitive to flea treatment products; some flea collars, for example, can cause redness and irritation at the neck.
  • Ringworm. This highly contagious fungal infection can lead to inflammation, scaling and hair loss. They want to be treated immediately to prevent other animals and humans in the apartment of the infection.
  • Seasonal allergies or food. Raye dog may be due to their sensitivity to common allergens substances such as pollen, weeds, dust mites, trees, mold or herbs. Get Many dogs, like people, dry, flaky skin in winter. Many dogs develop allergies to common ingredients in dog food, such as beef, chicken, wheat, corn or soybeans. Also fillers and dyes by the immune system of your dog abroad are taken into account and lead to itching and rashes.
  • Infections of the skin. Dogs, bacterial and fungal infections irritating if the skin to develop damaged by the presence of other skin diseases.
  • Scab. This skin disease caused by infection of the results Sarcoptes scabiei in extreme itching and inflammation similar to an allergic skin reaction.
  • Toiletries. Some shampoos and beauty products can irritate the skin of your dog. Use to use only cleaning agents that are intended for use in dogs.
  • Stress or boredom. A dog can lick your skin (especially the legs) and for many reasons. Some leak when not given the right opportunity for activity or mental stimulation.
  • Metabolic or hormonal problems. Several common hormonal problems can cause changes in skin color, consistency of color, thickness and distribution.

Knowing when the vet View
You should do a test with your veterinarian as soon as an anomaly in the skin or hair from your pet to plan, or if your pet starts licking at zero areas moderately and / or biting is detected on their fur.

Your veterinarian can diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the symptoms of your dog, including a biopsy of the skin test for ringworm, microscopic examination of parasites and skin or hair infection and blood tests to the overall health of your dog to judge

Scabies is a skin disease caused by different types of mites found little common external parasites in the company of dogs. Some scabies mites are common inhabitants of the skin and hair follicles of your dog, while others do not. While most dogs live in harmony with their mite, the consequences have to suffer, mites can cause mild to severe skin infections if played.

There are two types of mange, scabies "mange" and scabies "demodectic" sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) is also known as canine scabies is known, and is caused by mites, oval, bright, microscopic .. This type of management is easily transmitted between hosts.

All dogs have usually raised by their mothers demodicosis (Demodex canis) skin mites, which are transmitted in the first days of life from mother to puppies. There are three types of mange affecting canines:

  • Localized instances occur when dust mites proliferate in one or two small, confined spaces. This leads to isolated bald scaly patches, usually on the face, creating a dog peas appearance. This is considered a common disease of puppies and dogs less than 18 months. Over 90% of cases resolve without treatment of any kind.
  • General case, however, impact on a larger area of the skin of the dog. Secondary bacterial infections are a very spicy disease, often smelly and skin. This form of scabies can also be a sign of a weakened immune system, hereditary, endocrine problems or other underlying health problem are. Treatment depends on the age of the dog develops the disease.
  • Demodectic Pododermatitis, one of the most resistant forms of scabies is limited and accompanied by bacterial infections to toe. Deep biopsies are often necessary to locate these mites and a proper diagnosis.

General symptoms of mange in dogs

  • Scabies tends to cause hair loss, hair loss, scabs and sores and accompanying bacterial infections, to make for an itchy and uncomfortable disease.
  • Gale tends cause anxiety and frantic scratching, the symptoms usually occur a week after exposure. It can also cause hair loss, redness, sores and scabs body. The areas most commonly affected are the ears, elbows, face and legs of a dog, but can quickly spread throughout the body.
  • Demodex mites can be transmitted from dog to dog, but if the dog is healthy, as long as mites added simply the natural mite population dog and the results of skin diseases. Dogs insulation with even the most severe cases still feels useless. Although in rare cases infection dog dog possible. It is very rare that mites are transmitted to humans or cats.
  • If scabies is, the dog usually isolated to prevent the disease spreading to other animals and humans. When transmitted to humans, causes scabies rash of small red bumps similar to mosquito bites.

Treat Mange
Take your dog to a veterinarian, who will perform a physical examination, skin scrapings to analyze and to try to confirm the presence of scabies mites under a microscope. It can be difficult to identify the scabies mites when buried deep into the skin of a dog, so that your vet can rely on the medical history or signs your pet to make a definitive diagnosis.

Depending on the type of mange and dog breed drug can be administered orally or topically, by injection, shampoo or dip. Some infected dogs may also require special treatment for secondary infections of the skin. Treatment must be accompanied every two weeks by scratches in the skin.

Note: many skin treatments can be toxic for dogs, so consult with your veterinarian before beginning any program of treatment for scabies.

Eating Prevention
If your dog has been diagnosed with scabies, you need to clean or replace the bedding and collar and treat all animals in contact. If you suspect a neighbor's dog can be infected to keep their pets in order to keep the disease under control. Make sure your dog to the vet regularly as abrasions recommended to ensure that the mites have been eradicated.

hot spots
Hot spots are red, wet, cold and itchy lesions that are usually found on the head, hip or chest of a dog can be very painful for the dog. Everything irritates the skin and causes a dog scratching or licking can start a hotspot, including allergic reactions, insects, mites or flea bites, poor care, ear infections or skin and the underlying constant licking and chewing caused by stress or Boredom.

Dogs that are not regularly maintained and are matted, dirty coats likely to develop hot spots and dogs that swim or exposed to rain. In addition, dogs with hip dysplasia or anal sac disease can begin to backend lick the skin on. Thick Film haired dogs are the most affected.

Hotspots often grow at an alarming rate in a short time because dogs tend to lick, chew and scratch the affected areas, further irritate the skin.

Treat hot spots
You should consult your veterinarian for an examination as soon as an anomaly in the animal's skin is detected or if your pet starts scratching, licking and / or biting areas of the skin. Your veterinarian will attempt to determine the cause of the hot spots. Whether allergic to fleas, anal gland infection or stress, the underlying question should be supported. Your veterinarian is the care and medicines needed to make your dog more comfortable and allows hot spots prescribe to cure. This may include the use of an Elizabethan collar to your dog must be kept on biting and licking existing lesions.

Treatment may also include:

  • Shaving hair around the lesion, so that air and medication to reach the wound
  • Cleaning the hot spot with a non-irritating solution
  • Antibiotics and painkillers
  • Drugs for the prevention and treatment of parasites
  • A well balanced diet to help maintain healthy skin and hair
  • Food supplement with essential fatty acids
  • To control corticosteroids or antihistamines itching
  • Hypoallergenic diet for food allergies

Avoid Hotspots
Make sure your dog is produced on a regular basis, and you can choose to keep their hair short walk pet, especially in the warmer months. Follow a program of strict flea control, as recommended by your veterinarian.

To keep boredom and stress the remote control, make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and play time with his human family or four-legged friends.

dental care

Regularly brushing your dog's teeth with a healthy diet and plenty of chew toys, you can go a long way toward maintaining healthy mouth. Bacteria and plaque-forming foods can cause deposits on the teeth of a dog. This can harden into tartar, gingivitis, loosening and loss of teeth may result. Many dogs show signs of gum disease than four years because they lack the proper care of the mouth.

Give your dog a regular monitoring at home and a very happy dog ​​with a beaming smile have. Brush two to three times per week is recommended.

  • First, you will want your pet to get cleaned up with the idea, her teeth. To do this, start gently massaging her lips with his finger in a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds once or twice daily for several weeks before moving to the teeth and gums movement.
  • After a few sessions, or if your dog seems comfortable, put some dog toothpaste formulated his lips to get used to the taste.
  • Then lead a toothbrush for dogs or cats developed will be less than brushes have human teeth and soft bristles be. Toothbrushes that can be worn on the finger, are also available and allows you to give a good massage the gums of your pet.
  • Put the brush or finger wrapped in gauze at an angle of 45 degrees to the teeth and clean in small circular movements. Working in an area of ​​your dog's mouth while lifting the lip, if necessary. The page that has touched the cheek teeth tend to be more scale and give a final lap down can help you to eliminate.
  • If your dog have restrained cleaned with the inner surfaces of the teeth, not to fight, only a small amount of tartar build up. Once you get the technique down, go clean for two or three times a week.

Choose toothpaste
Do not use human toothpaste, which can irritate the stomach of a dog. Instead, ask your vet for toothpaste made specifically for dogs or make a paste of baking soda and water.

If your dog's breath is not a field of lilies in it. Normal dog-breath is not particularly fresh scent. Halitosis or bad breath may be the first sign of a problem in the mouth and is used by bacteria to grow food debris between the teeth or gingivitis caused captured. Some dogs, especially young are particularly susceptible to plaque and tartar. If plaque is the culprit, your pet may require professional cleaning and regular brushing of the house are an excellent solution.

Persistent bad breath may indicate that your pet has digestive problems or condition of the gums such as gingivitis, and should be examined by a veterinarian. If your pet is breathing particularly offensive and accompanied by a loss of appetite, vomiting or excessive alcohol or urine, it is a good idea to bring your dog to the vet.

The signs of oral disease
Once a week, lift the lips of your pet and examine their teeth and gums. The gums should be pink, not white or red and to show signs of swelling. Your teeth should be clean, brown tartar to be. A preliminary veterinary examination may be useful to know whether the gums of your dog may ignite.

Bad breath, excessive salivation, loss of teeth, gingivitis, tumors or cysts in the gums under the tongue for signs that your dog may have a problem in the mouth or gastrointestinal tract and must be checked by a veterinarian.

Make yourself familiar with these problems is in the common estuary help you determine whether it's time to find a vet for your pet:

  • Periodontal disease is a painful infection of the gums, which can lead to tooth loss and infection spreading throughout the body. The signs are loose teeth, bad breath, toothache, sneezing and runny nose.
  • Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums mainly by the accumulation of plaque, tartar, and bacteria causing the diseases above and cause below the gum line. Symptoms include bleeding, red, swollen gums and bad breath. It is reversible with regular teeth cleaning.
  • Gingivitis develops when plaque builds up and the food is stuck between the teeth. Regularly brushing your dog's teeth at home and get the veterinarian yearly cleanings can prevent plaque and gingivitis.
  • The distribution of gum disease occurs when the chewing gum is growing teeth and should be treated in order to avoid infection of the gums. A common genetic disease in boxers and bull terrier can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Oral tumors appear as lumps on the gums. Some are bad and must be surgically removed.
  • Salivary cysts look great fluid-filled blisters under the tongue, but can also develop in the vicinity of the corners of the jaw. They require drainage and salivary glands damaged should be removed.
  • Distemper teeth can occur if a dog distemper as a puppy. Adult teeth appear examined eroded and can often disintegrate. The damage is permanent decayed teeth have to be removed by a veterinarian.

Other ways to avoid dental problems
Give your pooch treats, specially designed healthy dogs are to be kept and ask your veterinarian to specially formulated dry foods that can slow the formation of plaque and tartar.

Chew toys are also a good way to satisfy the natural chewing desire your dog as his strong teeth. Gnawing on a chew toy can help massage the gums to clean the teeth and tartar even cockroaches, plus it also reduces the overall stress level of your dog and prevents boredom. Ask for rawhide toys, nylon and chewing gum to recommend your vet free of toxins.

Eye Care

Give your puppy regular eye exams to help you stay awake to any breakage, clouds or inflammation that may indicate a health problem. Firstly, it. Face your dog in a lighted area and look into the eyes They should be clear and bright, and the area around the eyeball must be white. Students should be the same size and should not be, tearing, discharge or crusting at the corners of the eyes. Using your thumb gently turn the lower lid of your dog and watch the coating. It should be pink, not red or white.

A gentle wipe with a damp cotton will help to keep the eyes of your pet, no dirt. Clean touching the outside of the inner corner of the eye and be careful not to eyeball that will not scratch the cornea! If you suffer from constant shock your pet and watery eyes, please consult your veterinarian. Your pet may have an infection or blocked tear ducts.

The symptoms of ocular inflammation
The following are signs that something is wrong with his one or both eyes of your dog. Be sure to see the body language of the dog, also occur or rubbing the surface of the eye may indicate potential problems. Call your veterinarian if your dog experiences any of these symptoms.

  • Download and crusty debris
  • Tear
  • Red eyelids liner or white
  • Skin tears
  • Eye (s) closed
  • Cloudiness or change in eye color
  • Third eyelid visible
  • Dilated pupils

The most common eye problems in dogs
The following eye diseases are often seen in dogs:

  • Conjunctivitis: One or both eyes of your dog will appear red and swollen, and it may secretion
  • Dry eyes: tears of declining production can cause inflammation of the cornea, squinting and discharged.
  • Epiphora: The tears overflow causes spots on the skin of the face of the dog.
  • Eye Cherry: A lacrimal gland is like icing on the corner of the eye dog increased mass.
  • Glaucoma: The cornea problems always et peut-l'oeil in agrandit raison d'une pression dans le globe oculaire adult.
  • Ectropion: A Tournant vers l'extérieur de l'oeil of paupière loin (inférieures paupières peuvent sembler droopy).
  • Entropion: A roulement à paupière cause of décharge et à la déchirure.
  • Cataracte: Une opacité crist sur ​​le Peut Causer de l'oeil of unrest de la Vision et la cécité.
  • Renal atrophy progressive: Causes the Dégénérescence des Tissus pair cécité nocturne Retine-est souvent le premier signe.

Prévention des yeux of the problem
Race à poil long peuvent obtenir of Lésions oculaires if leurs Verrous apprivoisés ne sont pas. Couper avec les poils précaution autour des yeux de sa garder votre chien à éviter poils Vision claire et et gratter piquer them. Savons peuvent être et médicaments Topica majeurs irritants when SURS protéger pour les yeux de votre chien ou avant le bain appliquer onguents ou des Puces de contrôle of formules.

Il est beaucoup plus sûr conduire fenêtres that partial avec les vers le bas et la tête à l'intérieur du véhicule de votre chien ou pour la dernière à douleur Prévenir long débris blessure the route ou d'un insecte obtenir dans ses yeux. Le vent peut aussi les yeux qui peut sécher votre chien et d'Une Author infection irritation.

Pensez à faire un peu de recherche pour savoir when the race to predispose vers votre chien oculaires affections, comme le ou atrophy glaucome rétinienne progressive. Votre animal compagnie doit avoir les yeux sur les verifie visit annuelles the vétérinaire, connaissant mais vous des possibles aidera hereditary problèmes à prendre the precautions important.

Des soins oreilles

Régulière routine toilettage de votre chien of contrôles lines inclure doit de l'Oreille. Ceci est particulièrement important pour les chiens qui produisent excessive earwax ou qui ont beaucoup de cheveux de l'oreille internal. Nettoyer Ne pas les oreilles de votre chien if profondément souvent ou à l'provoquer of irritation, ou et de prendre soin de ne jamais rien dans l'oreille insérer de votre chien le canal Special l'intérieur Peut Causer Une a traumatisme infection!

  • If l'oreille internal de votre chien semblent salts nettoyer they Coton avec une boule de morceau look ou avec l'huile humidifie minérale you peroxyde d'un ou hydrogène nettoyant settled pour les oreilles à cet effet formulated spécialement.
  • Plier l'oreille de votre Compagnie de animal doucement le dos et tout essuyer débris ou que vous du cérumen pouvez voir sur la face de inférieure son oreille.
  • Veillez à la soulever saleté et la cire plutôt que de l'oreille frotter dans.
  • La peau de l'oreille internal est délicate, donc permettre à votre vétérinaire pour démontrer La Bonne méthode pour les oreilles de votre chien nettoyer Regardez cette vidéo.

Reconnaissant une infection de l'oreille
Parce que les canaux de l'oreille d'un chien plongent vers le bas et puis horizontalement depuis l'ouverture de l'oreille, il est difficile pour les débris capturés ou de l'eau pour être libéré, faisant canines particulièrement sensibles aux infections de l'oreille. Vérifiez les oreilles de votre chien régulièrement pour des écoulements, des odeurs, de l'enflure et d'autres signes d'infection. Si votre chien montre l'un des symptômes décrits ci-dessous, consultez votre vétérinaire dès que possible.

  • Ear grattage
  • Brown, jaune ou décharge sanglante
  • Odeur dans l'oreille
  • Rougeur
  • Gonflement
  • Peau croûte ou croûteuse sur le pavillon de l'oreille près de
  • La perte de cheveux autour de l'oreille
  • Essuyant la zone de l'oreille sur le sol ou les meubles
  • Secouant la tête ou inclinaison de la tête
  • Perte d'équilibre
  • Des mouvements oculaires anormaux
  • Marcher dans les cercles
  • Perte auditive

Soin des oreilles pour chiens qui nagent
Les bains fréquents ou la natation peuvent entraîner une irritation de l'oreille et de l'infection. Pour éviter cela, placez le coton dans les oreilles de votre chien avant de bains et être sûr de sécher ses oreilles à fond après les sports nautiques et activités.

Si votre chien est sujette à des infections de l'oreille, que votre vétérinaire de vous recommander une solution de séchage de l'oreille faite pour les chiens pour aider à l'évaporation de l'eau piégée à l'intérieur du canal de l'oreille. Ces lavages d'oreille, sur la base noisette habituellement sorcière, sont disponibles à de meilleurs magasins de fournitures pour animaux de compagnie.

Signes de problèmes de l'oreille
En raison de la conception, sinueuse oreille interne est un chien sinueuses, il est facile pour les parasites, les bactéries et les levures de se cacher dans les infections et peuvent souvent résulter de ces débris piégés. Chiens souffrant d'allergies sont particulièrement vulnérables à des complications, comme ceux qui ont des oreilles tombantes, comme cockers, bassets et caniches. Oreille brun ou noir cire et sec, de la cire noire ressemblant à du marc de café-sont des indicateurs classiques de la gale des oreilles microscopiques. Seul votre vétérinaire peut dire à coup sûr, alors s'il vous plaît ne pas retarder la mise en votre chien pour un examen.

Contactez votre vétérinaire si vous remarquez un des symptômes suivants affectant les oreilles de votre chien.

  • Ecoulement d'oreille
  • Mauvaises odeurs
  • Rougeur
  • Gonflement
  • Peau croustillante
  • Chute de cheveux


En règle générale, les ongles d'un chien doivent être coupés quand ils seulement de toucher le sol quand il ou elle marche. Si les ongles de votre animal sont en cliquant ou se accroché sur le sol, il est temps pour une assiette. Pour les chiens de vie tranquillement, cela pourrait signifier pédicures hebdomadaires, tandis que cabots urbaines qui traquent trottoirs de la ville rugueuses peuvent aller plus entre les coupures.

Trouver Coupe-ongles pour votre chien
Il ya deux styles de base de coupe-ongles pour chiens: un type de ciseaux et un type guillotine. Ils travaillent tous les deux aussi bien, afin de choisir la conception que vous êtes plus à l'aise.

Si votre chien trouve deux types de tondeuses intolérable, un autre outil est un broyeur à ongles, un outil électrique que les sables ongles vers le bas. Ceux-ci offrent une grande maîtrise, mais prennent plus de temps que les tondeuses et certaines personnes (et chiens) trouver les sons et les vibrations qu'ils produisent désagréable. Demandez à votre vétérinaire ou toiletteur pour obtenir des conseils sur les types de ciseaux à ongles sont les meilleurs pour votre chien et comment les utiliser correctement.

Aider les chiens pieds sensibles
Certains chiens ne aiment pas ont touché leurs pieds, il est donc toujours une bonne idée d'obtenir votre chien utilisé pour avant d'essayer de couper ses ongles-Idéalement, cela devrait commencer quand il est un chiot. Frottez votre main le long de la jambe, puis appuyez doucement sur chaque orteil personne, et assurez-vous de lui donner beaucoup d'éloges et des friandises! Dans une semaine ou deux de massage quotidien de pied, votre chien devrait se sentir plus à l'aise avec une garniture de l'ongle.

Avant de commencer une pédicure de chiot, pneus de votre chien avec un peu d'exercice vigoureux et engager un assistant pour vous aider à tenir ses bas.

Comment couper les ongles de votre chien

  1. Commencez par propagation chacun des pieds de votre chien pour inspecter saleté et les débris.
  2. Prenez l'orteil de votre chien et le tenir fermement, mais doucement. Tenez votre tondeuse de sorte que vous êtes de coupe le clou de haut en bas avec un léger angle, pas côté à l'autre, et d'insérer une très petite longueur de clou à travers l'ouverture de la tondeuse pour couper la pointe de chaque ongle. Ne pas couper à un angle obtus à maintenir la courbure existante de l'ongle.
  3. Coupez un peu de clou à chaque passage jusqu'à ce que vous pouvez voir le début d'un cercle encore clouer couleur-apparaître sur la surface de coupe. Le cercle indique que vous approchez de la rapide, une veine qui se jette dans l'ongle, il est donc temps d'arrêter ce clou et de passer à la prochaine.
  4. Si votre chien a des ongles noirs, cependant, le rapide ne sera pas aussi facile à discerner, donc être très prudent. Si vous ne coupez accidentellement dans le rapide, il peut saigner, dans ce cas, vous pouvez appliquer un peu de poudre ou de l'amidon de maïs hémostatique pour arrêter le saignement.
  5. Une fois que les clous ont été coupés, utiliser une lime d'émeri pour lisser les bords rugueux.

Que faire si vous coupez rapide de votre chien
Si vous faites frapper le rapide, votre chien sera probablement Yelp et pourrait même se battre. Ceci est un bon moment pour mettre fin à la session, mais pas avant d'appliquer la poudre styptique ou amidon de maïs à la pointe de l'ongle saignements. Appliquer un peu de pression que vous appuyez sur la poudre dans la plaie pour vous assurer qu'il colle. If bleeding continues for more than a few minutes, please alert your veterinarian, who can check your dog for clotting disorders.

Helping Fearful Dogs
Some dogs show fearful or aggressive behavior when faced with nail trimming. Watch carefully for signs of distress such as panting, drooling, trembling, whining, freezing, cowering, tail-tucking, growling, snarling or snapping. Even with the most patient and gradual of introductions, there are dogs who seem unable to get over their terror.

If your dog falls into this category, do not force him to submit. See if his veterinarian or a professional groomer has better luck getting the job done—if not, it's a good idea to make an appointment with a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (CAAB), a veterinary behaviorist (Dip ACVB) or a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT) to work on the underlying issues at hand.

Paw Care

The pads on the bottom of your pups feet provide extra cushioning to help protect bones and joints from shock, provide insulation against extreme weather, aid walking on rough ground and protect tissue deep within the paw. It's important to check your pet's feet regularly to make sure they're free of wounds, infections or foreign objects that can become lodged.

To keep them in tip-top shape, look for foxtails, pebbles, small bits of broken glass and other debris. Remove any splinters or debris gently with tweezers. Then, comb and trim the hair between the toes to be even with the pads to avoid painful matting.

Using Moisturizer
If your dog's pads have become cracked and dry, ask your veterinarian for a good pad moisturizer and use as directed. Avoid human hand moisturizers, which can soften the pads and lead to injury. A paw message will relax your dog and promote better circulation. Start by rubbing between the pads on the bottom of the paw, and then rub between each toe.

Treating Wounds
It's not unusual for dogs to suffer cuts or wounds from accidently stepping on glass, debris or other objects. Wounds that are smaller than a half inch in diameter can be cleaned with an antibacterial wash and wrapped with a light bandage. For deeper paw cuts, see your veterinarian for treatment.

Winter and Summer Paw Care
As with humans, your dog's paws will require different types of care depending on the season. The bitter cold of winter can cause chapping and cracking in your dog's paws. Rock salt and chemical ice melters can cause sores, infection and blistering, and toxic chemicals can also be ingested by your dog when he licks his paws. Beat these wintertime blues by washing your dog's paws in warm water after outdoor walks to rinse away salt and chemicals. You may wish to apply Vaseline, a great salt barrier, to your pet's pads before each walk—or make sure your dog wears doggie booties.

During the summer, it's important to remember your dog's paws feel heat extremes. Just imagine stepping barefoot onto hot pavement—ouch! To prevent burns and blisters, avoid walking your dog on hot pavement or sand. Watch for blisters, loose flaps of skin and red, ulcerated patches on your pet's pads. For minor burns, apply antibacterial wash to the paw and cover with a loose bandage. For serious burns, please visit your vet immediately.

Preventing Paw Problems
When starting a new exercise program with your dog, start off slow. Paws may become sensitive, chaffed or cracked, particularly when starting your dog out on hikes or runs. Be sure to keep your home and yard clear of pointy bits and pieces, and avoid hazards such as broken glass and other debris when walking your dog. Always keep this simple tip in mind—if you wouldn't like to walk barefoot on it, neither will your dog!

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