There are some steps that you can take if you are the victim of a recent history avalanche state and start the form of cleaning, which may be in your home.

Mildew occur indoors when mold spores may be common in homes in contact with wetlands that flooded recently, the Department of Health and Hospitals Louisiana in a statement Saturday.

The reactions may eventually killed. Doctor HEBERT: I have in my office this weekend with allergy patients wheezing difficulty. It is rare, but allergies can be fatal. Anaphylaxis to stifle a reaction throughout the body or heart failure GRAVES. Studies have shown that anaphylactic reactions for nearly 1,500 deaths are responsible in the United States and 88% each YEA sudden circulatory collapse INVOLVED. Anaphylaxis usually occurs after a second contact with an allergen. Exposure causes the immune system to create antibodies against the MANI THINK-release substance, bee stings or DIE. Second Exhibition send these antibodies in action, which leads to a cascade reactions Annex to the loss of blood pressure, urticaria, narrowing of the airways and gastrointestinal problems, skin and respiratory system are most likely to be affected, followed through gastronomy and circulatory and nervous system. The most common triggers of anaphylaxis are foods such as peanuts, wheat, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs and drugs, including antibiotics, aspirin and ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories. ALSO BITES insecticide also can trigger anaphylaxis. If you at any substance highly allergic, and has experienced anaphylaxis, or if you are at risk because of genetic or past medical history, you must be an ALLERGIC ACTION PLAN. MAKING INJECTION epinephrine with you at all times. Always wear explains patient bracelet that his health potential and in the crisis, immediately call the 911th EMTs can be intravenous antihistamines and corticosteroids provide information on the possibilities and beta-agonists reduce respiratory symptoms alleviate. And always remember, consciously, to be your car, if someone with an allergic reaction, save your quick response a

Officials said many residents have begun recovery efforts, even their homes by the floods cleaning, leave the many flooded areas.

One sign of mold growth, within stains on surfaces, smells musty, dark spots on or near the nozzle, water stains and peeling or curling vinyl flooring or wallpaper.

DHH the common reactions to mold are cough, congestion, runny nose, burning eyes, headache, sneezing and sore throat. The most sensitive malleable are children, pregnant women and the elderly or people with weakened immune systems.

Natalie: as the sun shines and heavy rain disappear. >> Any questions with great flood. Natalie: RECOVERY road further. For some residents Louisiana, flooding in your neighborhood was unthinkable. 86 years. They lived in their house for 50 years and have never APPROACH TO WATER FRONT home, but in this particular incident Natalie destroyed: state officials estimate more, were evacuated from their homes, and only some of them had insurance FLO. >> Politics does not mean OWNER in an area of ​​FLOOD or not. People think too well, if I'm not a high-risk area AM then I'm not the risk of flooding. And does not include the most valuable pieces of their risk capital. Natalie: 26 BUT PARISHES TELL disasters such FEDERAL and several now set for damages - RESIDENT OR flood insurance can not call or register online with FEMA to see which state support for FIRST >> UP THING qualify would small disaster loans Business Administration be for both companies loans owner's home. It would be the largest amount of dollars that could get to start rebuilding, but we are looking for a loan Average income proof, so if you can not allow a loan, which is where it is, may be suitable for a grant from FEMA , Natalie: FEMA focuses on damage, which means that even those who flood insurance HOME may be granted for the support that the owners are not flood insurance - pleading >> CONTINUE IN SPECIAL RISK AREA. MAY allow you to search no flood insurance.

State epidemiologist Dr. Raoult Ratard said most types of mold to healthy people are not harmful, but those with asthma or allergies should try to avoid.

DHH said residents should not forget that after extreme weather events such as floods, mold growth of more than 10 square meters can cover, and a contractor association or mold cleaning may be necessary. Professional advice should be determined if the system of heating / ventilation / air of a house has mold inside.

Here are some tips for cleaning the mold:

  • Wear gloves, respirators, goggles, long sleeves and pants to clean mold.
  • To resolve, find the moisture problem; otherwise return the form.
  • Stop mold spores to stop spreading all heat or air conditioning.
  • Remove, bag or dispose of materials that have heavy mold growth.
  • Use to clean with warm water, the moldy area detergent.
  • Rinse entire surface with hot water.
  • Areas completely dry for two or three days.
  • Use HEPA vacuum cleaner.

Further information about the mold removal, including the form of help to play is available on the website of the HPD.


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