
How to Spring Clean: A checklist of households and Tips

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March 20 marks the first day of spring. In the coming months, owners and tenants rub the walls, clean the closets, organize the pantry and store their living rooms. It is instilled in us by our parents and grandparents an annual ritual.

Spring cleaning is an opportunity for those who suffer from allergies and cabin fever prepare our homes for the warmer weather.

Use the checklist and tips to complete your spring cleaning this year. Some tips are adapted from the University Nebraska-Lincoln - expansion in the county of Lancaster , and the extent of Michigan State University .

List of spring cleaning


  • Carpets: be drawing, which are not cleaned throughout the year, the furniture (beds, sofas, tables, libraries, equipment), the hidden areas.
  • Consider a carpet cleaner, especially in high traffic areas.
  • Vinyl and ceramic: Use a nonabrasive no use for cleaning floor scrubbing floors.
  • Hardwood: efficient use wood cleaner or clean water for washing wooden floors. Wood floors must not be too wet.


  • Wash the windows with a squeegee.
  • empty screens using the binding.
  • Remove the aluminum horizontal blinds on the windows. Combine a small amount of mild detergent use in a bucket of warm water. Put shutters on the clean towels and wash each blinds with a clean cloth and clean water. After drying, turn the blinds on the windows.
  • clean cloth and wood blinds, close the blinds to ask. Then use the brush and go easy on the blinds to remove dust and other particles. In turn repeat the blinds and.
  • Wash curtains and draperies, depending on the individual instructions.


  • Remove the cushions and pillows and then strive fabric and leather furniture.
  • Vacuum all surfaces of furniture.
  • Vacuum clean brush screen.

Cabinets, closet, basement, attic

  • Remove the clothing and other items from closets and storerooms.
  • Wash or clean clothes to dry again before storage.
  • Wash the walls and wooden furniture.
  • Vacuum the floor elements to move before back in cabinets and storage areas.
  • Remove any items from the cabinets. Wash all interior surfaces of the cabinets with a solution of water and mild all-purpose cleaner. Let dry completely before the items in the cabinets back.


  • Check your cupboards and pantry for Outdated shot. Repeat the process in your refrigerator and freezer.
  • Make sure that there is certainly a great airflow in the freezer. This will help regulate temperature.
  • Make sure - that the temperature display fridge and freezer are set in safely .
  • Organize your cupboards and pantry by placing are used for the first time at the front elements.
  • In your freezer, check the food for frostbite. If you without a date to find everything and is not sure how old it is, take it.
  • Thoroughly clean the floors, cabinets, walls and spaces behind appliances.


  • Use an all-purpose cleaner, to wash the walls, toilet, shower, accessories and towel.
  • Removing hard water minerals with a solution of mold in the bath and shower, if necessary.


  • Wash bedding (mattress cover, sheets, pillows, bed skirts, blankets, quilts).
  • Vacuum to the mattress surface to get rid of dust mites get.
  • Dust all woodwork, furniture, lighting and other surfaces with a clean microfiber cloth and spray dust.
  • Wash the walls.

Living and Family

  • Wash the walls.
  • Dust all woodwork, furniture, lighting and other surfaces with a clean microfiber cloth and spray dust.

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning

While you focus on getting your own house in order, consider the following tips to a healthy life Well Live - blog the enlargement of the Ohio State University to promote health and safety of your home and family:

  1. Check wetlands at home (bathrooms, basement, under kitchen sinks) for mold. If you see mold, clean the area immediately.
  2. Spring cleaning is the perfect time, an annual habit of checking to make smoke alarms and carbon monoxide. Replace the batteries and make sure that alarms and detectors are working properly.
  3. Around hazardous waste at home and throw them into a dangerous landing center. Hazardous waste includes:
    • Old batteries
    • Colors and paint thinner
    • solvent
    • Spots
    • toxic household cleaners
  4. Clean all ducts and vents for heating and cooling, clean and replace all filters.
  5. Follow the basic cleaning routine throughout the year. When it comes time for the next spring cleaning, you will not be overwhelmed with your to-do list.

Green spring cleaning

Try to use natural products for routine spring cleaning this year. Ivory Online - columnist Harlow explains how to make your own natural cleaning :

  • laundry detergent
  • cleanser
  • Soap scum in cleaning powder
  • septic assistant
  • dirty ring itself
  • Hard water purifier
  • Garbage disposal / Dishwasher and sewer cleaning

Harlow also explains how certain essential oils - lemon and rosemary - can be used for detergents and air fresheners.

Recycle, discard, donate

All this is spring cleaning with options on what to do with our chaos. We can recycle some products, throw some "junk" and donate items that others will be able to use.


  • paper
  • carton
  • Journals
  • newspapers
  • clean aluminum
  • Clean plastic bottles, pots and jars
  • Part of glassware

You can learn more about the products that can and can not recycle at the site of the administration of waste .

Make a donation

Do you have clothes you have not in the past year products, household worn or have not been used? Dales.

to donate items:

  • used with caution clothing, footwear and accessories
  • mainly used cooking precaution as cutlery, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans, storage containers reusable
  • used old furniture


If there are items in your cupboards, closets, attics, basements, garages or sheds that have no functional value to discard consider.

Do - other spring cleaning tips? Parts - in the comments below - below.

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