
House Rules: The cleaning with cola and other tips

Small disasters can lead to all sorts of discoveries. I was prepared to cut the grass when suddenly there was gasoline in the garage. Of course, I'm filling too quickly the mower. Obviously, I have decided to do without the funnel. And we will not know that he was still paying to keep, not quite believe capable of a decisive moment what happened.

But how is the combustible gas? Very. So what can you do? The answer is: cat litter box. After a small disaster, presents a trawl of the Internet, a world of people that you were so hasty or clumsy, and a variety of solutions. So instead of cutting the grass, I discovered that she gasoline spills with stray, I can get the oil out of a silk shirt with talcum powder and cotton from Biro hairspray along with the deck.

Another tip for oil is injected from the clothes obviously artificial sweetener. Finally a use for the small pockets languished next to the real thing in cafes found. Lipstick on Your Collar? wodge bread and DAB station.

The Internet performs fascinating possibilities. Gasoline oil, cotton silk, quickly learned to fix things that I do not even have.

There is a cleaning tips perkiness Internet is very comforting. Nothing is a disaster, just a chance to be creative with everyday objects. A unit of malodorous waste? To make ice cubes in the vinegar, send them down and bite them. Ceiling fan blades with dust? Slide one after the other, in a pillowcase again. The powder is maintained in the pillowcase. That's the kind of smart clever trick that will almost only a ceiling fan that could be treated. I think it from first.

Other ideas are dust band (seems enough time) and polished to houseplants with mayonnaise. And my favorite? To clean the toilet water stains, fill the tank with adhesive, wait an hour, then rinse. As with the ceiling fan, I start thinking, "If I had hard water ..."

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