
As clean clothes after a flood

HOUSTON - Many people will make a lot of clothes as they begin the cleaning process. You can not just throw all the clothes into the washing machine and start as you might normally make. Floodwaters often contain sewage so that there will be no contamination.

Cleaning the American Institute has to clean tips for clothes after a flood or a major disaster.

1. Scrap and shakes the dirt and other debris from clothing as soon as possible.

2. Fabric pre-washing with cold water. Hot water can set stains. Use small loads with a full water level and let wash clothes and spin.

* Do not fill the washing machine with clothes. Measure is completely dissolved before adding clothes detergent in the water, then water and leave the detergent.

3. Pre-treat: Once you have completed the pre-wash stain remover pre-application.

* To add to help protein stains such as blood wastewater to remove the grass or prewash gall product.

4. Washing: When using hot water safe for the fabric washing and the use of a laundry detergent powder. The powder must be removed effective clay and earth on the earth. Clothing that may be contaminated by sewage, you must add a disinfectant for washing. You can use liquid bleach.

* Important Note: If your detergent containing bleach pass, that is not enough to disinfect clothing. You still need to add bleach.

* The rinsing water Check: keep washing clothes until they are clean. Miran rinse water and when the water is cloudy or dirty clothes should be washed again. If the water is clear, clothes must be clean.

Important details:

* Form is difficult to remove, and if it so bad your clothes may be irreparable.

* Do not dry clothes until you satisfied, because the heat is in some places.

For more information and more tips for other objects in the house cleaning of the American Institute to check cleaning.
Weblink: http://www.cleaninginstitute.org/clean_living/tips_on_laundering_floodsoiled_fabrics.aspx

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