
Letter: Tips for Better Beekeeping

This is a response to the article about the emergence of "loggias" nest of mason bees released on 16 August, I think it is important to emphasize that there are always risks in trying to falsify the nature haphazardly or improve ,

Before you try to build an aviary, a little time researching how to build nesting boxes (hole size, the depth of the holes and the ability buds gently in the autumn remove) is fine. These solitary bees Osmia called gardens blue and manage and maintain from year to year, reeling careful cleaning and winter storage is a necessity. These small bees, many insects have predators and parasites, some of which are held in the holes of nests and cause the destruction of many buds, if left untouched. In nature, in the past they have always survived by many. Today, pesticides and other factors have reduced their number.

Some garden centers have nests from maize product (not plastic), which can be easily opened for cleaning, and have colored layers. Others use cardboard tubes to remove the flower buds in the fall easier. Often a small book entitled Pollination with Mason Bees in garden centers and is available for download from our library system is provided. It is very complete and ask those who are interested in the management of bees to read.

Me Osmia arrangement and their cocoons for more than 20 years pollinating with some of my neighbors spring to get a boost in its entirety in our region.

Dave Caddell


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