
He hits home with the flu? 7 Tips cleaning it to prevent spread

Undoubtedly this flu season was brutal. But they have no power to keep the disease at bay. Just follow the recommendations of Dr. Word of Clorox and Meg Robert, President of - Tanya Altmann, a pediatrician and door Molly Maid spread to keep cleaning business and help flu.

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Why is it so bad flu season this year? Family Physician offers advice

Watch the video - 8:27

Why is it so bad flu season this year? Family Physician offers advice

Watch the video - 8:27

1. quarantine the sick

Flu spreads when a sick person coughs, sneezes or even talks , affects men as 6 feet! Flu also be spread by contact with a surface that has the flu virus. Said Robert recommends the sick to a bedroom to keep limited and a bathroom. Reduced exposure to the rest of the family, and limits the number of parts to be disinfected.

2. Disinfect surfaces

Since the influenza virus can survive on hard surfaces for 24 hours disinfect surfaces that has the sick person touches, special attention to be paid the bathroom of the sick person's room. Use to an antibacterial cleanser at key points, such as: tables, counters, remote controls, computer keyboards, doorknobs, sinks, switches, faucets, sinks, counters, tub and toilet (including while the toilet seat and handle).


"Let wipes so that the surface remains four minutes visibly wet, then dry." "To a surface to be disinfected," Altmann said,

Another option is for hard surface disinfection by wiping or blotting with a solution of 1/2 cup of bleach per gallon of water. Allow the solution in contact with the surface for at least five minutes. Rinse and air dry.

Be careful not to inadvertently spread germs. After washing, the floors indicated in the contaminated room and bath, the disinfectant of the brush head it is for 15-20 minutes in a solution of 1/2 cup bleaches and soak a gallon of water. Also, do not reuse rags in other parts of the house. throw them in the washing machine in place.

For disinfection products for children such as electrical plastic / metal toys, glasses, snapper, bottle nipples and dishes, first sections washes then two minutes are soaked in a solution of 2 teaspoons of bleach per liter of water. With warm water and dry the air.

3. Three timely advice for swimming

Use disposable cups.

Never share towels or bath towel with a sick person. Use paper towels instead of cloth towels to prevent the spread of germs.

Outside toothbrushes and toothbrush isolated the sick from those other family members.

4. Reduce germs in space

Add these ideas to your normal diet Housekeeping:

Put to catch all the substances used in the room of the patient a paper - and make sure that line the basket with a plastic bag to minimize contact with germs. Vacuum at least once a day, bags replaced each time.

Sometimes the trash was dirty - especially if the patient vomits in it. For disinfecting, rinsing, and the paper and the inside and outside wipe with a solution of 1/2 cup of chlorine and 3.4 liters of water. Let disinfect 2 minutes and rinse with warm water and air dry.

Dust can be irritating when someone is sick, Robert the furniture recommends dusting - especially the night table and night - and passes the vacuum cleaner floors. Remember the corners and under the bed

to open the exhaust and fresh air through windows every day. should not be left open throughout the day to keep cool enough.

5. Be careful when you wash clothes

A toilet of the sick, bedding and clothing are (clothing and caregivers, too) full of germs, not "hug" the laundry, they take on the disc. This could spread germs on you. Wash However, transport of the laundry in a laundry basket and hands after the machine is loaded.

Disinfect with bleach clothes - Regular bleach safe bleach for whites and colors of colors. (Note follow the care instructions on the label material.) Add wash distributor or water 2/3 cup of bleach (1/3 cup for HE machines). Include start your clothing and underwear, make sure that the machine for 10 minutes in contact with the bleach solution, says Altmann.

After washing the sheets, towels and a sick family member, take the time to wash the washing machine . The moist environment in the disk is a breeding ground for germs. Run a vacuum cycle with hot water and add bleach dispenser and perform additional cycle bleach fades to ensure.

6. Use sponges not for cleaning

While the flu at home using disposable - paper towels or germs grabbing of for microfiber cloths of cleaning . Remember to wash microfiber cloths daily.

7. A word to the wise

Clean hands are as important as a clean house, especially during the flu season. Kill germs, wash hands around the warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. (For children sing "Happy Birthday" twice.) Everyone should wash their hands after using the toilet to be outdoors or with the patient is in contact; touching before eating and before your eyes, nose or mouth. (This is usually how germs enter your body and get sick.)

If you did not get a flu shot. The FDA says it is not too late , because the activity of the flu can last until May in the United - States

If you have the flu, the CDC recommends taking antiviral drugs like Tamiflu, which also effective if it can be taken - beyond the recommended second day of illness.

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