
To keep advice for your own vagina In fact, 13

Vaginas are not monsters. This should say, because the variety of wipes , aerosols , soaps and perfume exists in the vagina with the same intensity as a hairdresser for a champion dogs tend to show that there is still little understood.

But like the rest of his body, vaginas can dirty and need to stay clean and healthy moderate maintenance. There are a lot of junk out there advice in relation to vaginal cleansing. Dumps too! Here are some very useful without heavily perfumed products involved information to keep your vagina clean.

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Vagina, vulva

The main difference here: the vulva is what you can see with your eyes when you look at your pubic area. It is the term used for the outer parts of the female anatomy used. It includes the labia, labia and the tip of the clitoris. see only part of the vagina, you can that opens outside the body. The rest is a tube that connects the vulva to the cervix and uterus.

Clean your vulva as usual

Her vulva is covered with normal skin and can be cleaned in the same way to clean the rest of the body - with just a little more caution. But since his camp there or too hard scrub Luffa. First, it is not necessary. And two, if the soap makes its way up into the vagina, which may have a difficult situation on their hands, either irritation or infection.

The vagina is "self-cleaning" like an oven!

It's no fun? The vagina has a naturally low pH - value that discourages the growth of external organizations and maintains an atmosphere good enough - too. No need to be there Stampede to know in an effort to clean up.

Unscented. Products.

You can not stress this enough. Toiletries such as soap used soft in the armpits and also tend to irritate the skin in the vagina, the more sensitive to the outside of the body than the skin. But this is not just soap. is used Even something as simple as a fragrance tampons or heavily scented detergent for clothes in your underwear, the vagina can irritate. And of course, stay away from these fake products that promise to make your vagina smell like a bed of roses. The vagina does not have to feel like a bed of roses, and no one wants a bacterial infection.

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Out wet or damp clothes

Training is done so nice these days, it is tempting to stay in them for lunch after the gym and really just the rest of the day. Do not do this! The bacteria grow in the dark, humid environment (sorry). If you do not take a shower after swimming or working, at least change your bathing suit or sweaty underwear.

Use cotton underwear

Cotton is able to cover the breathable material of the vagina, as things synthetic, opposite tip over, they are not so comfortable. And ropes - all in practice! - You can beat bacteria in the urethra, being so close to the body increase and the risk of urinary tract infection (ay). So choose wisely her panties.

Pee after sex

And before , while you're there! Technically, urinary tract infections, a problem of the urethra, and not !! the same hole that her vagina, but we will cover all the basics. The best way to prevent urinary tract infections is to urinate before and after sex to reduce all the urine in the bladder and canceling the possibility that bacteria sit around and multiply in his DBO.

Wipe from front to back

Probably remembers that he no special lessons he learned while he trains the bathroom and pee is something that is done only with zero thought. But perhaps apply some critical thinking of the cleaning step. Sweep return reduces the possibility that bacteria rectal wrap around the vagina or the urethra. Bacteria near the rectum so if it remains close to the rectum. On the other hand it can cause infection and irritation.

Carefully select your lube and condoms

Based on the contents of my mailbox in Cosmopolitan.com offices on any given day, there are so many types of condoms available. When the latex is a no-go for you, no problem. The next time you need a quick thrill to walk down the aisle of condoms at the pharmacy and you will see what I mean. The same applies to lubricants. Lubricant on the basis of water works well for most people. But if you have a recurring problem with irritation after sex, and have different lubricants and condoms and tried a combination of both, talk to your doctor.

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Choose carefully tampons and towels

Generally, only you need to be aware of what is in them. The research suggests that labels include agree buffer harmful chemicals called phthalates, known as "endocrine disruptors," which get their hormones. Dioxin, a byproduct of the process, the bleached tampons is also found in some buffers. Although the level of dioxin in many is now lower than it was before tampons. Organic tampons and towels, toilets are your safest bet.

never douches

Gynecologists from around the world telling you the same thing : It's bad for you and you do not need. The myth that a clean and bright interior creates rinses is just that - a myth! In fact, douching can actually do things MESSIER by introducing harmful chemicals phthalates in her vagina called.

Keep your own sex toys

They are already doing almost certainly. But just in case, here is a reminder: Your Sex - toys should properly cleaned between to be used. As I would not wear the same underwear for several days (I hope), do not use the same sex toy unwashed for days or weeks. There are special soap and fancy gadgets that resemble micro - for the cleaning of toys waves, but actually a mild, unscented soap will do the job very well. Most of these things are already waterproof.

Not everything stuck on the donkey into the vagina

This goes back to the main "from front to back wipe." Bacteria in the rectum and anus bacteria is different in the rest of his body. Keep things in place! This applies to the fingers, toys, penis, condoms, etc.

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