
First self-cleaning dog to go inside to the toilet; the world & # 39 - BrilliantPad

BrilliantPad - the World’s First Self-Cleaning Indoor Dog Potty
Photo: BrilliantPad

A company based in Chicago, announced the launch of the first smart - toilet for dogs, BrilliantPad.

BrilliantPad allowed dogs go inside the bathroom and supports automatic cleaning aspects.

If the dog on the platform goes to the toilet, the system automatically sends the pad in a closed case, the seals wither (and thus the smell). When the buffer supply is empty, just enter the clean surface and the pad draw.

You can even set a timer that the keyboard 1, 2 or 3 times a day automatically replaced.

BrilliantPad - the World’s First Self-Cleaning Indoor Dog Potty
Photo: BrilliantPad

Roller pad can take up to several weeks, and are easy to replace. The components are made to prevent leaks and spills and bonds - which made the environment! The end caps and stems are biodegradable and skates are made using 1/3 less material than conventional pills.

This is a simple way and accidents to prevent and to see without eliminating waste, touch or feel smooth. BrilliantPad to make happy for you and your puppy lives.

This is to use a great product for owners that potty training, flat residents and those who work long hours. It is also ideal for bad weather periods or sick animals that can not stand it.

BrilliantPad - the World’s First Self-Cleaning Indoor Dog Potty
Photo: BrilliantPad

This product is cleaner and easier happier life for you and your dog. While we love our four-legged companions, the relationship can sometimes be hampered by the obstruction of their necessities.

It can be frustrating to go to clean up after an accident inside or outside with too unpleasant or inconvenient moments. No one wants to experience frustration with her beloved pet in something as uncontrollable as the disposal of waste.

This will facilitate mind your dog. It is difficult for people who imagine to stand all day, is to go just to be able when someone tells us we can. to Imagine, waiting to wake your spouse or return home before going to the toilet!

And if you could disturb your partner keep the risk is not, and perform, imagine how awful it is to feel both physically and mentally.

BrilliantPad - the World’s First Self-Cleaning Indoor Dog Potty
Photo: BrilliantPad

Now you and your dog can be calm, convinced that there is a backup option when circumstances not under their control.

BrilliantPad makes life cleaner, more comfortable and healthier. It eases the mind of you and your dog to give back as much flexibility in their fields.

BrilliantPad is now available for pre-order in Indiegogo. It has a goal of $ 50,000 and is for $ 99 savings available.

See this video BrilliantPad be seen in action:

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