
Tips on how to clean leather seats

TASK bleach or fabric-leather seats is definitely not a pleasant sight. The best practice or solution - simply clean the inside of your car on a regular basis.

For tips on how the spots on the car seat bestdiy.tips visit the site to get rid of.

The website reported that, before the process of removing stains begin, you have to prepare the following two homemade cleaning solutions:

For the first part of the cleaning, you need:

* ¼ cup of baking soda;

* 1 cup of hot water; and

* Mix baking soda and water and is ready for the second part.

For the second part of the cleaning process, you will need:

* Hot water;

* Some of the jets and detergent;

* ¼ cup of vinegar; and

* A spray bottle.

Mix the hot water, a few drops of detergent and ¼ cup of vinegar in a spray bottle. Stir the mixture well and let stand for five minutes to solve.

And we are now ready to begin the upholstery of the car wash:

* A toothbrush to have the baking soda and water to all places, gently apply in the upholstery and the solution for 30 minutes leave stains use penetrate (This is also a process for cleaning stubborn stains ideal as coffee and ketchup stains, etc .).

* After half an hour with a clean, dry towel to remove stains with baking soda and water. Be sure to absorb as much liquid as possible before the start of the next stage in the process of cleaning car upholstery.

* Use detergent mixture of water and vinegar to spray the cushions of the front seats and work their way to the back.

* After the seats spraying, use a stiff brush to the solution work smoothly bristles.

* Allow the mixture to stand for 15 minutes in the seats, and then use dry towels to absorb excess moisture.

* The final step is to lift the car to get rid of odors. You can leave any open car doors and windows for the rest of the day or until all the cleaning smell is gone.

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