
Why so damn feels good a Q-tip stick in the ear

Why clean ears is amazing

Indeed, there are several reasons why we appeal to deepen our ears.

Some people have to clean the need and remove dirt it as their disability. "Many people have a chronic feeling that their ears are irritated or itchy, and feel that a Q-Tip, relieves this feeling," said Benjamin Tweel, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine Mount Sinai Icahn , "In this sense, it's like scratching an itch ."

It feels very, very good. This could be because the ear thought to be an erogenous zone -has a complex system of nerves and nerve endings.

"People have feelings will refer to other parts of the body made," said Seth Pross, MD, an otolaryngologist at Johns Hopkins University Medicine. "The classic example is that the people you have something in his ear, and feels like something in my throat."

The branch structure of the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the stop can be stimulated through the ears, says Dr. Pross. This can be a small role in the sense of joy through the Q-tip felt playing, he said. And you can feel all nervous effects, including the heart, stomach and even breeding areas. (Here are four parts of the body , they want to touch .)

Alternatively? His ear is also an area which is not normally used for games, Dr. Tweel said. "In a way, it's probably a sensitive armpit that is, because people often do not touch this area. Some people who find nice."

Whatever the reason you should stick a Q-tip in the ear

Here's the problem: While you can feel the notes well, the habit of the ear dry and less trauma cause as abrasions. This small injury you can feel that you have something in your ear. And that can dig increase by more, which of course makes you more susceptible to damage. And this perpetuates the cycle.

In addition, clean that you can not really ears at all. This is because your ears are actually self-cleaning organ, Dr. Tweel said.

And the growth of the same things you are planning to dig, is an important part of this self-cleaning mechanism. "It has to prevent anti-bacterial properties to ear infections," says Dr. Pross. "It captures dirt, dust, even insects, and to bring all those dirty things outside of the ear canal over time.

This means that there do not really left for the cleaning. (Here's how to get rid of ear hair .)

In addition, a Q-tip is set as a diver in the bathroom sticks in the ear: "The diameter of a Q-tip to the diameter of the ear canal is very close," said Dr. Pross.

So when it is pressed - no, you can not really the wax to remove. "You're basically just press the wax deeper, where they may affect, painful, or lead to an ear infection," says Dr. Pross.

Pressing Q-tip inside can potentially tear the eardrum or scratches on the skin of the ear canal, which can lead to bleeding or infection, says Dr. Tweel.

"There are people who have had bone permanent hearing damage or hearing eardrums Q because tips go too far," he said.

How to safely care for your ears

Let your ears clean on their own without-Q-Tips. If you feel that your ears are very dirty, you can create a kind of recognition play. limit it just to the outside area.

"Put a scarf on the fingertip, the outside of the ear to clean," suggests Dr. Tweel.

You can also try to soften a few drops of mineral oil once a week with the earwax if you is you feel or clogged too much earwax. These drops as Debrox course to move the wax to the ear canal, says Dr. Pross.

If the feeling trapped in the ear, it is not going alone or dripping with wax in one or two days, consult your doctor, the doctor says Tweel.

"The hearing loss can sometimes seem to be a feeling that the ear is blocked," he said - it.

The doctor may perform hearing tests to check your hearing. But when too much earwax can not clean - even your doctor can remove wax for you. This can easily be done by irrigation earwax flushing says Dr. Pross. Or your doctor may examine the ear with a microscope and collect with very fine instruments wax.

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