
How to Use Vinegar in Laundry: 6 Pros and Cons

Stained shirt with vinegar and other cleaning products.

Photo: istockphoto.com

When looking for a cleaner, more eco-friendly laundry routine , one staple can make a noticeable difference: vinegar. With growing awareness of the harsh chemicals found in traditional laundry detergents, many are turning to this pantry staple as a natural alternative. Known for its mild acidity and deodorizing properties, vinegar offers a variety of benefits for clothing, from fabric softener to removing stubborn stains and odors.

But how can vinegar be effectively integrated into clothing? This guide aims to demystify the pros and cons of using vinegar in laundry. Understanding how to use vinegar on clothes can help you make your laundry routine more sustainable, cost-effective, and gentle on fabrics.

The best vinegar for washing clothes

If you want to use vinegar to clean or wash clothes, it's important to choose the right type . Avoid using products labeled as "cleaning vinegar" for laundry, even if it seems counterintuitive, as these have higher acid content and can fade your clothes or even damage your washing machine. Standard distilled white vinegar is the best option and is also an inexpensive solution that you probably already have in your pantry or under the sink.

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Pre-treat clothing with vinegar to remove stains.

A person rubs vinegar on clothes to remove stains.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Pretreating clothing with laundry vinegar helps eliminate stains and odors. Karina Toner, operations manager at Washington, D.C.-based Spekless Cleaning , says, "Mix vinegar with laundry detergent to create a paste to pre-treat stubborn stains." » She recommends gently rubbing the mixture directly onto the stain before washing to further boost stain control and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. This method is particularly effective on low pH stains such as coffee, tea and wine. The acidic nature of vinegar breaks down the organic compounds contained in these stains, making them easier to remove.

USE vinegar as an alternative to fabric softener

Using vinegar as a fabric softener is a completely natural and effective option. Vinegar is known for its softening properties and works wonders on textiles. Toner explains: "Vinegar is a great natural fabric softener. Add 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle to soften fabrics, reduce static, and improve the freshness of your clothes. This simple change not only makes clothes softer, but also fights static and leaves you smelling fresh, clean.

According to Taylor Robertson, brand manager at Heritage Park Laundry Essentials , temperature is important and explains, "Vinegar works best when combined with warm water, enhancing its cleaning and softening properties."

DO NOT use vinegar on stretchy clothing.

Although vinegar works wonders for clothes, it is not suitable for all fabrics. Avoid adding vinegar to clothing that contains elastic parts. The acid in vinegar can destroy the elasticity of these materials and cause the shape and fit of the part to deteriorate. Garments such as yoga pants, swimsuits, and some undergarments where elasticity is important should be omitted from vinegar treatments.

Use vinegar to remove mold and odors from fabrics.

Woman smells clothes in laundry room.

Photo: istockphoto.com

If you have musty-smelling towels, vinegar may be the ideal solution for making a laundry deodorizer. The acidic nature of vinegar makes it a great choice for removing mold and odors from fabrics . Toner calls vinegar a "powerful odor eliminator" and recommends adding "half a cup to the wash cycle to neutralize unpleasant odors." This method will keep your towels and other clothes fresh and clean without a lingering vinegar smell.

Robertson recommends incorporating vinegar into your regular laundry routine. "Using vinegar every few washes prevents buildup rather than trying to remove it once it has built up," he says. This method helps not only to combat unpleasant odors, but also to prevent their recurrence. However, he points out that "while vinegar is effective at removing debris, it is not a disinfectant." To disinfect towels , especially during illness, you may need to use methods other than vinegar.

RELATED: 29 Practical Household Uses for Vinegar

DO NOT mix vinegar with bleach, baking soda or ammonia.

When using white vinegar on clothing, it's important to understand the chemistry to avoid potentially dangerous reactions. One of the most important rules is to never mix vinegar with lye, baking soda or ammonia .

Mixing bleach and vinegar produces chlorine gas, a toxic chemical that can be harmful to the respiratory system. It is a dangerous mixture that can cause coughing, difficulty breathing and even a burning sensation in the eyes, nose and throat. Robertson says, "If you use bleach when washing white towels, do not use vinegar in the same wash cycle. »

Although mixing vinegar and baking soda is not toxic, it neutralizes the cleaning properties of both products. Baking soda is a base while vinegar is an acid. The combination creates carbon dioxide, water, and sodium acetate, eliminating their individual cleaning benefits. It's best to use them separately to take advantage of each agent's specific cleaning properties.

Combining vinegar with ammonia can create complex chemical compounds that are not only ineffective as a cleaning agent, but can also leave behind residue that can irritate the skin. In addition, the suit can release smelly and potentially harmful gases.

Clean your washing machine with vinegar.

Person puts vinegar in the washing machine.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Vinegar isn't just for clothes: it's also a great cleaner for your washing machine . Over time, washing machines can accumulate detergent, fabric softener and other residues. The Toner says, "In hard water areas, vinegar helps prevent limescale buildup in the washer." She says, "Run an empty cycle with a cup of vinegar to keep your machine running smoothly." » It's a simple and inexpensive one Ability to maintain your device and improve its performance.

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Final thoughts

Incorporating vinegar into your laundry routine is a simple yet effective way to overcome various laundry challenges. From removing stubborn stains to ensuring a clean, fresh washing machine, washing clothes with vinegar is a versatile and environmentally friendly solution. This proven method not only improves laundry, but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle.

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