
Remove yellow stains and odors from cushions with 80p cleaner - no washing machine required.

accumulate dead skin cells, oils and sweat from our body while we sleep and therefore need to regularly.

An Amerisleep study showed that after just one week of use, an unwashed pillowcase can harbor 17 times more bacteria than an average toilet seat , with up to three million colony forming units (CFU) per square inch.

However, not all pillows are machine washable, especially those with delicate materials or special fillings.

Additionally, with the cost of living crisis , people are looking for cheaper tips for cleaning items in their homes, many of which include avoiding using washing machines as they can be expensive.

Luckily, there's an alternative method you can use to effectively clean your pillows without having to wash them, says Allen Civlak, cleaning expert and owner of Mary's Kitchen Flour Sack Towels .

This cleaning solution uses two of the cheapest cleaning products available on supermarket shelves: and .

This cleaning trick will cost you less than 80p. Prices are based on branded supermarket products and cost around 50p for a 200g pack of baking soda and 29p for a 500ml bottle of vinegar.

To clean pillows, first remove any covers, covers, or protectors before generously sprinkling the pillows with baking soda. Make sure both sides are covered.

The next step is to sprinkle the baking soda with the vinegar solution. To do this, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.

Lightly spray the pillows with the vinegar solution. The reaction between baking soda and vinegar helps "eliminate odors and remove stains."

Allow the pillows to soak in baking soda and vinegar for at least 30 minutes.

This gives the ingredients time to eliminate odors and freshen the pillows.

After waiting, use a brush or vacuum with an upholstery attachment to remove baking soda and loose debris. Make sure both sides of the cushions are completely clean.

If the weather permits, you can place the pillows outside in the sun to dry. Sunlight has "natural disinfectant properties" and can help "eliminate lingering odors."

Firmly pad the cushions and rotate them to ensure even cleaning and drying.

Allow the cushions to air out for a few hours before putting on or using new covers.

Allen concluded: "By using baking soda and vinegar, you can naturally cleanse and refresh your pillows, leaving them smelling clean and revitalized. »

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