
Tips for cleaning your supply of processed foods

Almost none of us grew up eating a clean diet free of processed foods. In fact, many of us probably eat just the opposite: the standard American diet (SAD). It seems much easier to just go to the store to pick up some chips, crackers, cookies, white bread, ice cream and soft drinks, or just zip through the drive-thru on your lunch break or if you go to work, to cook too tired to are. We all have different reasons for resorting to convenient, less-than-stellar food options, which leads us to essentially the processed foods in one way or another to live. Of course, we understand and we know that we are not the best for us, but when it comes to comfort and tradition, it seems easier to take the path of rapid descent. This is especially true when a clean or you are interested in diet begins.

But we must begin a cultural shift away from processed foods. Our country faces many kinds of diseases than ever before, and the food industry is flourishing even still. We have seen great progress in the actual food, while the movement of food to pass herbal products out there, but we still have room for growth. Our goal here is not only to show at One Green Planet as you eat more plant-based, but also to eat to inspire, all the way to a more sustainable food.

So if you are a beginner and trying to get away from processed foods and stick to more whole foods diet, here are some simple tips that we help. Remember, we are all in this together. So realistic, with our food, right?

1. Start small

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If you look at everything in your fridge and pantry (or a large percentage of it) and realize that most of it comes from a package and does not look like a complete food that is not not panic and feeling overwhelmed. You should not be a complete raid your kitchen (unless you want to, of course). Instead, start small and changes here and there. For example, in the first week, maybe you cereal box of sliced ​​whole grain oatmeal or smoothie. Or you can make your own granola bars and it could make a goal to make a salad, soup or eat vegetables every day for lunch and not as something from the drive-thru. Another idea is to simply buy more chips, cookies and sweet snacks. Make a batch of cookies real food, opt for fresh fruit, chopped carrots and hummus with sauce, or make an afternoon smoothie place (which is a fun way during the working days is to enjoy). Choose three things that you think you do this week and begin to implement it. If you have mastered, you can choose three different next month.

2. Reduce and Replace


To start small, another idea to the habit of unhealthy foods instead of trying to completely eliminate a lot to reduce (that comes later!). Anything better comes to replace something. Suppose you have an addiction to soda craze. You can not help and Pop about 4-5 per day (or more). Either diet or regular, they are some of the worst drinks for your health and offer no nutritional value. Those sugar have been linked to give 2 diabetes and cancer, while varieties and sugar-free foods containing artificial sweeteners on the linked cancer to fear and other health problems. Try to keep the amount you reduce drinking in one day. Then you would replace soft drinks consumed natural soda soda-based, stevia, and fruit, soda or mineral water. Or try the coconut ice water with a little lemon and lime, which is very tasty, if you have never had. Replace your bad habit with a good habit, and finally do not even want a soda diet. You can do with food or drink are and help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed a full all the time element.

3. Familiarize yourself with Real Food

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If you do not know what real food is really hard to eat, right? Remember that no one eats a perfect diet, but everyone should try real food, the food in food are their natural state , which does not contain additional ingredients or have gone through several stages of treatment in order to reach our plates. Some of the best are: vegetables, herbs, spices, fruits, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Foods that are made from these (such as hummus, nondairy milk sugar, butter pecan, simple ingredients and sauce) are also processed as minimal foods are also good in a real diet. But it's hard to know if you do not with what is really a familiar dish. Many of us have seen chips and cookies, years are the real food, but now we know different. Focus on foods with fewer ingredients as possible and foods in their natural state - that is the essence of a real diet.

4. Make work for your schedule


If you are a busy and feels overwhelmed, then a whole diet work for you and your schedule. For example, if you do not have time to chop vegetables for the week and the weekend, do not hesitate to buy carrots and pre-cut vegetables. Yes, they cost more, but it does mean that you eat and take some time for them, rather than unhealthy foods, please. If you know that you do not make your own veggie burgers and nut butters, know what to buy the best burgers in the store and nut butters are better alternatives . And while his own almond milk is bought healthier than buying business, do not have the time for most of us, and based on healthy private labels . The goal is to make the lifestyle work for you. There are several ways to do it and you can really. See these tips to make a whole diet breeze , even if you have a busy schedule.

5. Reward yourself after a while


Positive reinforcement is a powerful way to success in almost everything to ensure. It is as if what your pet a sweeter when potty Outside, or buy something special when you get that big promotion. Do the same with its transition to a lifestyle Whole Foods. This does not mean that bought an old, unhealthy processed foods, you may miss (hey, everyone), but maybe you splurge on ice prices way out of coconut or enjoy the new modality Restaurant healthy normally pay. Or maybe you have really great once gaining ground along their diet foods and madness for a high speed mixer or a new set of kitchen knives (these are the little things!). Reward yourself with something, improve your new lifestyle is an investment in your health and can be a very useful tool for more inspiration.

Or maybe they will not have money at all and just go friendships and a delicious healthy meal to celebrate. Reward yourself with what inspired the will to continue the majority.

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Deal with cravings? Here are some specific tips to make your favorite traditional dishes increasingly not based healthy plants back on unhealthy versions. If you made ​​the transition to clean diet with less processed foods, we would like to hear from you!

What is your secret ingredient that helped to change to a healthy lifestyle?

Lead Image Source: Wikipedia

This content is used above provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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