
Spring Cleanse Tips Part

The first day of spring cleaning or inspired detoxify your body and mind. We disclaim stimulants in an attempt to take control of our health, eat healthy and fresh food and begin our bodies. It is a wonderful opportunity to restore their health.

Last week I shared some very simple tips to spring clean your diet and digestive system reset. This week is all about your body and the environment, according to all that we do. Our skin or inhalation of charge

Insert spring bar

Exfoliate your skin

This will remove dead skin cells, soften and promote healthy circulation. Use a dry brush nature. Brush your feet, hands, neck, around his heart. Brush, while the skin dry before you shower every day. Brush in a circular motion until your skin is slightly pink movement.

Make your own delicious, soothing and antibacterial body scrub. Mix the following ingredients in a bowl: 2 cups salt with half a cup of extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil or jojoba oil and grated (. Sea salt finely ground natural or Himalayan salt can also use sugar), a new lemon / lime or 20 drops of lavender essential oil.

Sweating it all out

In the ancient world and the modern bathroom in the hot springs, hot and cold water and sweat from all that was as therapeutic. The healing power of water and the sauna is well documented to detox your mind and body toxins. Improve blood circulation especially with a sauna followed by cold shower or bath. Repeat 3 times for an extra boost. Saunas stimulate fat loss like mild exercise. Skin cleansing induced sweating sauna followed by a much deeper than a simple shower clean shower your skin. Relax your body. The heat and humidity in the sauna and diffuse pain and relaxes tired muscles. Relax your mind. A sauna or bathroom is a place of peace and relaxation.

Pay attention to your breath

Oxygenation is the number one fuel / energy for the body. All tissues in the body needs oxygen, in order to operate. The respiratory tract, including the respiratory tract, pulmonary vessels, lungs and respiratory musculature provides oxygenated blood to the tissues of the body removed and exhaust gas. Will you breath by breathing with the belly. Nose (mouth closed), diaphragmatic breathing instead of breathing through the mouth with a very flat chest. What do you think breathing? The present in the environment, in cleaning products, candles, artificial synthetic perfumes, cigarettes or perfumes chemicals? Remove carpets if you are allergic to dust. Nature has powerful tools to clean the air. The natural negative ionization and ultraviolet waves work itself asks sunlight in clean air. Open blinds to let in the sun. Open windows and doors and allow help ozone and negative ions to eliminate toxins from your home and office.

Make an appointment with nature

Go through the trees. Plants breathe the oxygen we breathe. We breathe the carbon dioxide that you breathe. They are our partners in life. Bathing in sunlight and green party visual quality.

Take time to pause

Create or be healing and homeostasis in the body. When the body is under stress when exposure to chemical substances emotional, malnutrition induced imbalances thermal or electromagnetic Stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to produce the fight-or-flight response. In this state, all the blood flow deflected the ends of the digestive system. The main objective of the organization is to survive, not healing and repair, energy production and reproduction. For this reason it is important to give the peace or the present. This stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system that is involved in the healing and repair of the body.


We all keep around our house or office, which may not add value in our lives make us feel that life is out of control, especially when we, surrounded by things more than we can handle. This is called the disturbance, a zap of energy and a waste of time known, especially if we can not find things that we are looking for. Decluttering it comes to space in our homes and our lives for the things that matter.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor "spring cleaning".

Nothing feels as good as "clean and healthy" feeling.

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