
Independence Day 2016: celebrating tips, a cleaner, healthier and safer Festival this year

Independence Day
Children lights are shaped swastika, on the eve of the Hindu Diwali - festival in the northern city of Chandigarh, 11th November 2004. According to Hindu - mythology swastika is a sign of prosperity. [Representational Image] Reuters

Diwali , the Hindu festival, which is also known as the festival of lights, is just around the corner and everyone is celebrating in a good mood. Diwali preparations for cleaning the house and decorate very well. Welcome customers and the exchange of sweets and nuts were an ancient ritual of age. is celebrated According to Hindu mythology, Diwali appreciate the victory of good over evil.

Here are some tips that you could adapt this Independence Day and make it healthier, cleaner and safer.

1. Clean your house

The first thing you do when you are on the way of Diwali, cleaning the house is correct. We gather the courage and energy to clean and clean, every nook and corner of the house is preserved, covered with dirt, dust and cobwebs throughout the year. Enjoy it, your house properly clean disinfectant to kill all germs and microbes and to keep any kind of infection and disease at bay. Do not forget that a hot shower, if this task is complete.

2. Try to avoid cookies

This can be difficult to follow for most of us, but there are health and environmental reasons, to prevent the reduction or snap cookies. Smoke from fireworks is harmful for all age groups, from children to the elderly, especially those with respiratory problems. The noise generated and contaminates the environment with smoke and debris cookie.

3. Hold First - aid - kit handy!

There are chances that someone burned or injured by accident during the bursting of crackers. People who suffer from asthma and other respiratory diseases are, at any time the risk of an attack are therefore their inhalers and important medications should closely to avoid any emergency situation, be kept. In addition, the first aid box with fire cream, eye drops, bandages. Keep an ice pack in the fridge when someone serious burns.

4. Be in good spirits, alcohol

The drinks are a must in the celebrations for those who have them, but be careful not to drink too much. avoid alcohol in moderation accidents or incidents occur. Also, do not drink and drive because it would risk his life around him and. Stay away from places where cookies are recovered in the event of poisoning, because their reaction illuminated to flee crackers would be slower than usual and are more prone to accidents.

5. Switch to sugar - avoid free candy, raisins, if you are diabetic

Try eating sweets or candies change very less sweet to keep without sugar or sugar your blood sugar under control. Do not eat silver paper found in candy, as they can be forged and fabricated aluminum instead, which is harmful to your health. This advice is particularly important for all diabetics, may even dried fruits have instead of candy. Make sure that you do not consume too much of grapes, if you have diabetes because they dramatically increase the blood sugar!

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