
Learn from the pros: 5 tips for easy cleaning of the house

Editor's note: Neatso , a new company based in Raleigh, was called home cleaning Uber, shares some tips for simple ways to keep clean our homes.

Everyone knows that your own home maintenance or even a little cleaner may seem like an impossible task seem. With the new school year at the meeting and families traveling this time of year, house cleaning is often overlooked.

Here in Neatso we thought it would be useful to a professional cleaning advice to gather those who know the ropes. These tips are professionals who have a combined 35 years of experience in the cleaning.

Tip 1

"I think people really neglect their bathrooms, and there are certain products that can be used in order to be clean. Something as simple as a water pill Clorox bleach in the tank to help stains between cleanings keep. And bath spray products such as bubbles Scrub and enables you to easily and make walk away from it and make a big difference. "

Sharon Neatso professional cleaning

Tip 2

"If you ever see fly the little pesky mosquitoes to outflows fall, know how to get rid of them. Pour down, you know baking soda and washed with hot water vinegar. I make it flush into all my drains. Lemon quarters and grind the garbage disposal to keep it fresh. "

"In my house, I like to use a disinfectant to help kitchens and bathrooms and fresh bath between cleanings without seeds."

professional cleaning Chassie, Neatso

Tip 3

I like to use the tool toothbrush. It is very underestimated. It looks like a toothbrush, but the wire or hard plastic bristles and is shaped like a toothbrush of the old school. These are ideal for cleaning sinks. Another trick is Brillo pads of steel wool. They are easy to calcium green stains in the bathroom to get rid of gravel on the stove and is the raw material pink shower free.

Professional cleaning Emily Neatso

Tip 4

"I use a trick stains in the bathtub to get -. Magic Erasers Nine out of ten you get spots or make it easier."

Sharon Neatso professional cleaning

Tip 5

"Vinegar is often overlooked, a cleaning product, but powerful is inexpensive and environmentally Here are some quick ways you can use it.:

To clean the coffee: Fill the tank with distilled white vinegar and coffee running through a brewing cycle. Drain and pass through another batch of clean water

To clean a clogged or dirty shower apple: Add a cup of vinegar in a plastic bag and place the bag so that the shower head found in vinegar. Overnight soak and then rinse the shower running!

Charisma, professional cleaning Neatso

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